
Why does society tolerate discrimination against men more than women?

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In some golf clubs or sporting clubs where its all male there is always people including women and feminists trying to knock it down and saying its discrimination. Yet they never complain that men are discriminated in clubs in couple ways. One being ladies night out where women pay little or less to get in or have a drink. There is also no complaint that women dont get as searched intenstively as men by security guards.




  1. This is the "equality" that feminists have been fighting for.

  2. Ladies night is about doing business. It was never meant to be any kind of social statement.

    It brings in more women, and in turn brings in more men, and the club sells more drinks.

  3. Because women complained about it, and changed it. But men don't seem to care. So it gets tolerated.

  4. Hypocrisy and double standard.

  5. Men go to the club for women.  If the clubs start being strict with us, we just wont go.  And then you'll end up a bunch of guys dancing together.

    Do you swing that way???

    Edit:   Its the kind of society in which we live in.  Wether we like it or not.  

    I said your argument is weak because the club scene is not an area that is necessary to life.  But when it come to earning a living and men get more advancement just because of their gender - its much more solemn.  This affects every day life.  The club scene doesnt affect every day life.

  6. Society tolerates what it is allowed to tolerate.  If you have a problem with "Ladies Night Out" or searches, YOU should do something about it.  All discrimination stands until the discriminated take action for themselves.  Women have stood up together against discrimination.

  7. Bull. Private clubs can keep anyone out they choose.  As for ladies' nights, yes it is discrimination and it should be stopped, but club owners won't hear of it.  It brings in the women, which brings in the men.

    YOU do something about it.  You go talk to club owners about how unfair ladies' nights are.  And while you're at it, ask them why men are searched more intensively than women.

  8. I know, it sucks being a man in these days while the pendulum swings to the opposite extreme of male privilege... just wait a little while and things should settle somewhere in the middle.

  9. The squeaky wheel gets the grease

  10. There aren't enough men to change it. Men have slowly weakened over the years. It's sad to see it.

  11. You are's me complaining about inequality in pay, political under representation, rape, domestic abuse, 75% of the world's illiterate women, women dieing in developing nations for ignorance around FGM, childbirth, AIDs and all along I should have been concerning myself with the fact that some golf clubs are letting women in and men get their b****s felt when searched at airports.

    I'm sorry, you win, there is no need to strive for equality with men now that you have explained why you are superior.  Thank you.

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