
Why does soda "sizzle"?

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You know when you buy the soda, whether in the can, or bottle...and when you turn the cap, or pop the can, it sizzles. I know it has to do with something with carbination (or w.e) and the ingredients; but I need help understanding it. Does anybody know where I can find this out, or if somebody knows about it?

Also, why does some soda drinks "sizzle" or "fiz" longer then others. Like Sprite, it never stops "fizzing" and bubbling, while other sodas do?




  1. the ingredients and all the bubbles!

  2. The fizz i because of the carbon di oxide that comes out..THat is what makes it a soda...

    And as to why some of the soft drinks sizzle for longer time is just based ont he content

  3. Because of the Carbon DIoxide in it, makes it "sizzle."

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