
Why does some people float and others don't?

by Guest61736  |  earlier

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why does some people float and others sink to the bottom?




  1. Everyone's able to float! For the people who say "they can't"..yea well its just cause its all in their head that they cant!...cuz if u think about it...wen ppl drown and die, there body ends up floating anyway after their dead..... the easiest way to float is to stick your stomach our more and keep your head straight, and most important is to relax wen doing it!

  2. Fat people tend to float more easily because when you cook chicken the fat and oil float to the top so therefore fat people float because they are oily.  

  3. It has to do with their percentage of body fat.  The more body fat the better they float, the less body fat the more they sink.  Typically women have more body fat than men and they float better.  Muscle is more dense than fat.

  4. I have no idea, but I do know that fat people float better than skinny people. There's more surface area.

  5. fat floats and muscle ways more so it is going to be more dense which will cause skinny people to sink and fat people to float...

  6. Even though muscle is more dense than fat anyone can learn how to float. It might be harder for scrawny kids or body builders but its not impossible.

    Heck, my four year olds in swimming lessons can float!

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