
Why does some people have heart on right side and others do on the left side??

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Why does some people have heart on right side and others do on the left side??




  1. There are rare cases of the human heart being located at right or left extremities.  But the average condition is just left of the center line through the chest.

  2. everyone have heart on their left side.........

    GOD made us like this. the left lung also gives the heart some space. while right side lung dont have that space.

  3. This condition is known as dextrocardia, if it is accompanied by situs invertus, then the condition would be innocuous.

    So,why people have a displaced heart towards the right?

    To unravel this, we have to consider it from the aspect of embryology. The primitive heart develops from an islet of cells located in the "cardiogenic field" of an embryo and these cells derived from intermediate mesodermal constituents found between the ectoderm and endoderm. The overall structure is sandwiched between the yolk and embryonic sac.

    The cells then coalesced to form a long heart tube. At the same time, the pericardium which a sheath that covers the heart develops. As the heart tube grows faster than the pericardial layer, it coils and folds antero-caudally into a "collapsed pyramid" shape with the head pointing to the right and then to the left when auricles or atrial appendages formed.

    Dextrocardia occurs if the initial position of the head of the "collapsed pyramid" is pointing to the left so after complete transformation the heart will be on the right.

  4. They don't - everyone's heart is just a tiny bit left of the middle of their chest.

  5. There is a condition called situs inversus where many organs in the body cavity are mirror images of where they ought to be in a typical human. In 25% of cases, this condition is caused by the improper movement of cilia during development. In the developmental process the cilia beat all in one direction to set up a gradient of proteins and factors that aid in the body development and morphological changes that take place as an embryo grows to a fetus. Without this gradient the proper location for the organs to develop becomes undefined and the organs can end up in places that we dont expect them to be in.

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