
Why does stuff weight less at the equator then at the poles

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Why does stuff weight less at the equator then at the poles




  1. Centrifugal force. You're traveling 1,000mph at the equator and standing still at the poles. The distance to the core doesn't really change much.

  2. Gravity of a stuff over the earth is given by g = GM/r² where g is the gravity,G is a constant, M is the mass of the stuff and r is the radius of the earth.As the radius of the earth is greater at the poles, weight (= Mg) is less at the equator.

  3. weight = mass * acceleration of gravity g

    g = (G)(M) / (R ^ 2)

    G=6.67E - 11

    M= earth mass 5.97E + 24 kg

    R= earth radius 6,378,100 m

    plug the data

    g = 9.79 m/s^2

    as the earth spin the acceleration due to centrifugal force is

    a = [ (v ^ 2) / R ] cos x

    v = earth angular velocity = (2 pi) / [ (24)(60)(60 ]

    R= earth radius same as before

    at equator, x = 0   cos 0 = 1

    plug the data

    a = 0.03373 m/s^2

    effective g = 9.79 - 0.03373 = 9.75 m/s^2

    at the poles, x = 90   cos 90 = 0

    plug the data

    a = 0

    effective g = 9.79 - 0 = 9.79 m/s^2

    weight at equator = m * 9.75   is less

    weight at poles = m * 9.79   is more

    this is because of the higher acceleration at the equator due centrifugal force as the earth spin, as the person walks from equator towards the pole, the angle x change from 0 to 90 degrees

  4. weight is a measurement in terms of how much gravity is pulling the object down. the poles are slightly flattened. if you think of gravity as a source pulling things down towards the earth's core, then the slightly flattened poles are so to speak closer to the core. thus, if a person would be standing there, the force of gravity would be stronger, pulling him down more, and thus causing him/her to weigh more

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