
Why does subway even bother with this stupid game?

by  |  earlier

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Scrabble? You can win a car, a house, blah, blah, blah. Nobody is going to win c**p! These contests are the biggest waste of time. If your saving these stupid letters your a fool. Someone will win sure, but so few will and it definitely will not be you. And why when you do win is it always ONE cookie?! Who eats one cookie? The cheap b******s can't even give away a PAIR of cookies. s***w jared.




  1. lol 1 cookie thats too funny you right why cant we get 3damn cookies thats pisses me off grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  2. They do it to get more people to buy subway to boost sales.

  3. i agree. i do collect them only b/c one day i wnet there and got a meal and i won a free drink and 6inch sandwich so i used the coupon for it so now i get free food b/c the ones i get using the coupons have free drink and sandwich on it.. im lucky i guess

  4. cuz they kno ppl will be stupid enough to try

  5. ha,ha, you got a good point

  6. don't be a sour called marketing. If bothers you that much..don't can't get away from it. It everywhere...when you're driving, on tv, even at your job...shoot your already buying the food, the game pieces are free. Theres too much in the world to be mad about if we want to get excited about our letters...let us!!! there's no harm to you.

  7. incenive

  8. It is an incentive to get repeat customers.  Actually to Subway, the cookie is the best incentive.  People are more tempted to come back just to get something free plus it probably doesn't cost them more than a nickle to make.  

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