
Why does sugar dissolve faster in warm water than in tap water?

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is there any theory or law that supports this? please state it. Also, if there is any chemical equation for this, pls include it also. Tnx much ^^




  1. Its simple:

    Solubility increases with temprature.

    higher temprature increases kinetic theory of particle,that means they mowe faster.So the collide mor frewuently with sugar molecules than at room temprature.


    temprature and solubility are equally propotional.

  2. Solvation

    During solvation, especially when the solvent is polar, a structure forms around it, which allows the solute-solvent interaction to remain stable.

    When no more of a solute can be dissolved into a solvent, the solution is said to be saturated. However, the point at which a solution can become saturated can change significantly with different environmental factors, such as temperature, pressure, and contamination. For some solute-solvent combinations a supersaturated solution can be prepared by raising the solubility (for example by increasing the temperature) to dissolve more solute, and then lowering it (for example by cooling).

    Usually, the greater the temperature of the solvent, the more of a given solid solute it can dissolve. However, most gases and some compounds exhibit solubility that decrease with increased temperature. Such behavior is a result of an exothermic enthalpy of solution. Some surfactants exhibit this behaviour. The solubility of liquids in liquids is generally less temperature-sensitive than that of solids or gases.

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