
Why does tampons hurt?

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i used a tampon for the first time i managed to get it up but it was so uncomtable when i sat down and moved Why is this? x




  1. If it was uncomfortable then it's because you didn't insert it far enough. Once inserted correctly you shouldn't be able to feel anything at all. Just relax when doing so and don't be worried about putting it in too far.

  2. You probobly didn't have it in far enough. If your tampon is inserted far enough inside of your v****a, you won't be able to feel it at all, just make sure you can still reach the string.

  3. If it is put in properly, you will not feel it. Next time, take it out and try again. DO NOT put 2 in at a time. Also, it could be the "absorbancy" or brand that is uncomfortable. Try playtex slim fits or teen tampons first. I am not sure who makes them. I wouldn't try super absorbancy until you figure out what brand you prefer.

  4. You may have the wrong size of tampon for your flow, or you could have inserted it incorrectly.I find putting my foot on the loo seat and bending forward slightly helps.x

  5. You need to try the ones with the applicator, and make sure it is right inside you as far as it can go when you place it in. A bit more practise with them and it wont hurt when it is in the right place.

  6. you didn't put it in properly

  7. not up far enuff lol

  8. put it in at an angle. it shouldnt hurt. you may have a problem.

  9. yah push it up further...and maybe try slimfits for your first time usage =)

  10. It's shifting inside of you. The tampon might not fit your shape the best. What to do:

    You probably shouldn't re-insert a tampon because it probably hasn't absorbed that much blood yet and insertation/removal will be uncomfortable. But if you did, no biggie, just follow the next step:

    When you're on the toilet/in a comfortable position, insert an finger in your v****a and push it up untill you can't feel it anymore. I'd also suggest using a menstrual cup or cloth pads.

  11. If you are a virgin, that may be painful. However, you don't necessarily have to have s*x in order to start using tampons. You may not be inserting them in the right area. You need to insert one closer to the back (usually better if you look in the mirror). You can try sitting down or standing up. Once you find that area, slowly begin inserting it there. it may be a little painful at first, but you will get used to it. Good luck!

  12. You need to make sure it is as far up as possible, then you won't no it's there.

  13. it wasnt far enough up!! :]

  14. You need to push it further!  

  15. It was not in the right place. You may need to put a foot upon the bathtub or toilet to insert correctly.

  16. If properly inserted you shouldn't feel it. It probably wasn't inserted far enough. Keep on trying, it a couple of times and you'll be a pro and very glad that you did.

  17.    are you a virgin ?   because if your not . it might just be because your body needs to get used to having something up there .   what you could do is some kegel exercises . inside every lady there is a pc muscle down there and sometimes if the muscle is to tight it will make things feel more uncomfortable than it normally would , such as intercourse or even a tampon ...  so if i were you i would start doing kegels . maybe 100 a day . there very easy to do you can do it anywhere without anyone even knowing .    basicly all they are is you tightening and retracting the muscle in your private area and holding it about 10 seconds before relaxing .   do that about 100 times  

  18. It wasn't inserted far enough.  It needs to go all the way in so that the tip is resting gently against the cervix.

  19. Push it up farther!  

  20. maybe no in poperly..

  21. what the ****!

  22. it's probably because if you are a virgin it probably popped your cherry that's why it hurted i don't know maybe it's that or something else

  23. yeah it wasn't in all the way, and its ALWAYS the most uncomfortable the first time.

    but the second time and every time after that, it's super easy.

  24. You know you are not supposed to wear the plastic applicator right?

    If it hurts, perhaps you have it in too far. It shouldn't hurt if it is barely in there!  

  25. you didn't have it in properly after its in you shouldn't feel a thing when i have mine in i normally forget its even there

  26. I am 12 years old, and I use tampons now too. My first time it was uncomfortable, especially when I sat down, and when  I took it out :( and so I believe this is normal. Then next day when I used one again, I put the tampon in farther,(reaching all the way to the finger grip, you have to push the tampon in far enough to where your fingers come in contact with your v****a) and it felt waaay more comfortable! If it hurts badly, you most likely don't have it up far enough. I suggest using the plastic applicator, rather than the cardboard. Plastic is much smoother and more comfortable. Another thing, you could be using a brand that are too big for you :[ that is bad... and so I use Playtex Gentle Glide, rgulars. They are smooth and thin, and they are just the right size for younger people and teens! oh, 1 more thing. WARNING! DO NOT NOT NOT LEAVE A TAMPON IN OVER NIGHT, OR MORE THAN 8 HOURS, BECAUSE THERE IS A DISEASE YOU CAN GET FROM NOT TAKING ONE OUT BEFORE 8 HOURS.  IT IS CALLED TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROMME. YOU CAN GET IT FROM HAVING OLD BLOOD LEFT IN YOUR SYSTEM, AND IT CAN ENTER YOUR BLOOD STREAM AGAIN, AND GIVE YOU THIS DISEASE. MOST PEOPLE DIE FROM IT, BECAUSE IT IS NOT CURABLE IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. I SUGGEST LEAVING A TAMPON IN  4 HOURS MAXIMUM. SO DONT DONT DONT EVER FORGET YOU HAVE ONE IN!!! good luck!!!!!

  27. you didnt put it up far enough

  28. u need to push it in until your finger is up as far as it goes.....if you can feel it pull it out grab another and start again.

  29. Hey! I had the same problem as you when i started to wear tampons for the first time. You need to position yourself on the toliet, and take it slow. Dont rush! If you do, this is how you cause pain. You need to glid it gently in and far enough up so that when you sit down it would push up...and thats where the pain is coming from. When you push the tampon up, you need to move it where it most feels might not always be straight....good luck :)

  30. I agree with the first answer.  It shouldn't really move around.  You probably didn't put it far enough in.

    But I usually don't even use tampons on the go.   It's a higher risk or getting toxic poisoning (sorry, I don't remember the exact medical term but it was something like that).

    I only use em when I sleep.

  31. i had the same prob the first time i tried. but the more u use one the better it will go in. then u will kinda feel like a pro at it. lol but dont hurt urself n remember 4-6 hours.
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