
Why does tea make me rush to loo?

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for years and years I have been made to rush to the loo for a 'No 2' even before I have finished my morning cup of tea!

I know tea and coffee are duretics but surely they wouldn't make me react so instantly?

When I go to the loo I have the runs and I have to go about twice in the space of ten mins.

Thing is I drink the occasional tea or coffee in the day (about 3 a day in total) and I don't react like this then so why do I do it in the morning?




  1. Tea and coffee are both known stomach irritants so that would be your reason.In the morning your stomach would be empty so nothing to absorb or protect the lining .

  2. First of all this question contains TMI.

    I would guess your "schedule" just happens to coincide with your morning tea.

    The caffeine is a stimulant that may prompt your system especially on an empty stomach and going with out tea all night then a sudden rush of caffeine in the morning may contribute the the sudden jump start of your system with such urgency.

  3. does it to everyone

  4. it is an illussion

  5. more medical than food and drink don't you think

  6. Well that does seem rather quick.

    Caffeine takes more water to process than a caffeinated drink provies. So it pulls extra water from your system. The water used to process the caffeine is now no longer needed and immediately excreted.

  7. do you put something different in it when you drink it in the morning?  Or maybe you take some medication that reacts badly with it?

  8. interesting. Hot liquids like coffee, soup or tea seem to act like a diuretic for me as well.

  9. The caffeine stimulates your system after having been "at rest" all night.  As you move around during the day, you naturally get your blood pumping and the caffeine effect is not as harsh.  It's just jump-starting you at the start of the day.

  10. It's the caffeine.  It makes your cells release water.

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