
Why does that Idiot Howard Dean think that Obama and Hillary are destroying the Democratic party by being so?

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close in their poll figures???????

Isn't this what "Democracy" is all about??????????

And, isn't this why we have the pollitical parties conventions????????

Whats with this c**p by this Fruitcake anyway?




  1. He knows as well as everyone else that Hillary should quit but he wont say it

  2. The Democrat Party has always been an uneasy alliance between very different groups.  Now those groups are pitted against each other.

    Havn't you ever heard the theory of  "Divide and Conquer"?

    What is happening now is just a preview of coming attractions.

  3. The Democratic national convention is in August.  At that time, we need to have a candidate.  Typically we know who it is going to be.  The candidate's people run the convention, and it is a boring show starring the candidate.

    If we don't have a candidate, who decide who gets to speak? When?  This might be fine in the days of smoke-filled rooms, but not any more with live television reporting.  To some extent, it doesn't matter whether Senator Clinton or Senator Obama is the star.  It just needs to be settled.  Whichever of them wins, they must go into overdrive to defeat Senator McCain.

  4. How did that idiot Howard Dean ever get the tob job?  I didn't even know until a few weeks ago, all I could do was laugh.


  5. Ah, Democrats are supposed to bring us together

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