
Why does that self rightous jeremy kyle keep discribing children as kids?

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Why does that self rightous jeremy kyle keep discribing children as kids?




  1. Is that a problem? I think the two words are considered to be interchangeable but kids is less formal than children. Kind of like adult (formal) and grown-up (informal). The informal version would be more appropriate for a chat show.

  2. That is just another word for children is it not

  3. that's what comes of being an old goat

  4. WHO'S Jeremy Kyle?

    and I thought that goats had kids!

  5. I sometimes say children and sometimes I say kids - not a derogatory term really - we use lots of words like mum, dad, etc

    sometimes he does come across as a little self righteous but I think hes a caring guy and really wants to help people - but you must admit - some of those they have on the programme are really awful and would make anyone exasperated!

  6. for the same reason he calls fathers, dads, and mothers, mums.  he thinks we are all to thick to understand the more formal terms.  As do most tv presenters and politicians these days.

  7. i dont know

  8. I dont think he self-righteous, he just knows what he's talking about - my hubby tells me he's had a very chequered past.  dont know why he calls children kids tho.

  9. He has a right as an adult to call children kids, when the morons on his show stop abusing, beating, neglecting them. He calls them kids when the intellect of his 'guests' is not much higher than my shoe size so they can understand. are you suggesting that they should be called 'small people', or 'young humans', or 'end product users'?

    well there goes my 10 points, will settle for the 2!

  10. Because children=kids and kids=children! Whats wrong with that???

  11. I think he thinks it intimidates them as he's the big man with an even bigger security guard.  Lets face it what he really wants is some Jerry Springer style aggro on his show to get the audience and viewing figures up!

  12. Because he's a f*nny and clearly has no conception that kids are goats.  Personally if I ever meet him in the street I fully plan to flick him really hard in the middle of the forehead and shout 'oi! Kyle, NO!'

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