
Why does the 20 oz bottles of soda cost more then the 2 litter bottles of soda?

by  |  earlier

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were I live it is $0.99 for a 2 litter but for a 20 oz it is $1.49. wouldn't it be the other way around.




  1. You're paying for the more expensive packaging.

  2. It is for the convience sake of it. Many people want the smaller bottles to take with them. However it costs the maker more to put 1 liter in several bottles than it does to put it in one. There is actually more material used in 1 liter of soda using small bottles than a big one. It takes as much time and energy to fill and lable a small one as it does a big one so there is no savings there. 1 liter of soda in smaller bottles also takes up more space than a 1 liter bottle does so they can't ship as much in the same truck. Plus with more material it weighs more for the small bottles too.

    Making up for the extra cost and knowing people pay more for convience they do charge more. As mentioned water is the same way. You can usually get bottled water for $0.50 - $0.65 per gallon yet you pay more than double that for a 16 ounce bottle.

  3. More people buy the smaller size because they can't finish the bigger one, or because they want to portion control, or because smaller bottles fit into their fridge, lunchbox, etc. better. Its more of a convenience thing and the cola companies know they can get away with charging extra for convenience.

  4. Supply and demand. Knowing people will spend the $1.49 so they don't have to cart around a 2 liter everywhere they go makes all the difference.

  5. They are charging you for the convience of the being smaller and already cold.

  6. They're charging you for the convience, those crooks. It's the same way with water. You can get an entire gallon for about a dollar.

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