I have run this 26 ft. raw water cooled boat for years with no thermestate getting an engine temp. of 150 when running at a full speed of 25 mph at 4200rpm. Last summer the boat ran slow for the last 4 times out because of what turned out to be a fouled carborator. I was glad to find full power restored this spring with carborator now professionally checked out but reinstalled by me. (Idle air/fuel settings done by the book after installation) The problem is the engine now runs hot (160 at idle up to 190 at 2000 rpm) That gives me 8 mph. A higher rpm will cook the engine. I have checked the temp. sensor and gague for accurace, changed outdrive pump impeller, cleaned manafolds and risors, installed a new engine circulating pump, varified proper timing and timing advance, checked compression and inspected spark plugs which looked too clean so I rechecked carborator settings incase they were too lean and checked for leaks in carborator gasket and intake manefold.