
Why does the ACC even play Division I football?

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Perhaps the entire conference should be demoted to D-IAA or D-II except Miami.




  1. Miami kicks A double S!

  2. Right.. thats why BC was ranked number 2 at one point last year...

  3. man, there are lots of good teams in acc! have you ever heard of miami? or florida state?   virginia tech?

  4. Only a SEC'er would say something like that right now as we speak...  But let's look back five years ago at the SEC. You had LSU and Auburn then a major drop off.

    Yeah, the SEC right now is 4 teams deep, but lets see how they fare over the next two or three years.

    Other than that, what other conference is so much better than the ACC?

  5. Maybe because they have Miami, Florida State and Virginia Tech. Granted they may not be at the top right now, but they will be back

  6. Its still a tougher conference than the PAC10 or the Big East, it just doesn't have an outright title contender.  PAC10 can't play D and the Big East just plat out sucks dog ****.

  7. Va Tech got stunned by East Carolina, NC State got rolled by the Gamecocks, conference favorite and possible national title contender Clemson got hammered by SEC longshot Alabama, and Virginia got obliterated by USC. Yeah, this wasnt the best way to start off the season for the ACC, yet I still think Clemson can bounce back and make this a respectable season. Wake Forest could also end up at the top of the ACC. Miami looked alright, albeit against a FCS team, and we've yet to see the Seminoles, although nobody is expecting much out of them.

    I dont think we should condemn the ACC just yet, but they looked absolutley pathetic. No teams will challenge for a National Title this season out of the ACC, and I just dont think they can stack up to the SEC, Pac 10, Big 12 and Big Ten. No matter how you slice it, the ACC is just inferior, but give them some time, let the season play out.  Maybe Clemson can bounce back and win out and possibly redeem themselves in a BCS Bowl. And a rematch against Alabama, possibly in the Orange or Sugar Bowl is not ruled out.

  8. idk

  9. The ACC has won their share of Nat Titles as  Miami, FSU, Ga Tech, Clemson, Maryland have all won titles and Va Tech played for one.  The conference is down right now, but that will all change.  Smart aleck question don't you think there wiseguy?

  10. They are down right now, but I count about 7 national championships in the last 30 years, which is pretty good, I think.

  11. Every conference has bad years this just happens to be a bad year for the ACC. Oh and by the way Miami is defiantly not the best team in the ACC if that is what your implying. Maybe you should research what ACC teams have done in the past 5 years before you ask such an ignorant question.

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