
Why does the Avro Jet just fly about 400 knots? I mean he has 4 engines for a very small size?!?

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A real airway-blocker by the way.




  1. The Avro--haha, the reason it has 4 jets, is they could not put 6 under the wings.

    The plane is known for having very high maintence costs, fuel consumption, and engine problems, thats why they are no longer used in the USA, as mesaba and all the other regionals got rid of them for more economical Challengers.

  2. You are forgetting something called structural integrity. The airframe has its limits and pushing it beyond its limits can lead to structural failure. Thats why you might have four engines and yet cannot break 400 kts, but a single engine Mirage 2000 can do Mach 2+.

    Speed is a function of thrust and airframe. You can strap rocket boosters on a Cessna 150, but it aint gonna faster than its Vne for long.

  3. The Avro Jet is flying at the speed it was designed for. The number of engines does not determine the speed. Engineers try for speed and economy when designing passenger aircraft.

  4. The BAE 146/AVRO was designed as a STOL (short t-off and land) aircraft. Not to smoke along at 480 knots. They can perform steep stabilized instrument approaches where others cant, Like Aspen. If memory serves me correct it is one of very few that can get into and out of Aspen in the bad weather legally. With four engines an engine failure is not as super critical as with two or three, I am not saying it would be any better it would still be an absolute emergency! But the odds are a little better with only a 25% power loss versus 33% or 50%. Unfortaly you still lose lots of performance with any engine loss.

    General rule of thumb in small aircraft ( small meaning little less than 9000lbs. The transports are certified to all together different rules ) when you lose an engine you lose half of your power but you lose  somewhere around 85% of your performance. Considering you dragging around a dead engine making no power just drag and also dragging the aircraft around thru the sky banked and yawed continuously now, not very efficient

  5. Hmmmm. Let's see. Four small engines. And to think Citations go just as fast/slow with only two. Hey but wait. A 777 goes super duper fast with just two. Hmmmm.

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