
Why does the EU encourage its members to fight global warming?

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Why does the EU encourage its members to fight global warming?




  1. In the past decade the EU has gone through a great many reforms, one of those reforms was to revamp their goals. One of the goals was to improve the enviroment, and also to save the natural resources of Europe. This entailed that they begin to combat the threat of global warming.

  2. Money! and Global businesses!

  3. To keep us occupied. To get as much money as possible, a reason to load tax on fuel, make the prices higher than they've ever been before. To make us all think it's all our own fault and we'll feel really c**p.

    To control us.

  4. So that the citizens of the EU can be taxed and controlled to the hilt by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats. They're not interested in global warming, they're interested in the politics of fear.

  5. Why does ANYONE encopurage ANYONE to fight GW?

    So it can be slowed down or stopped, that's why!

  6. Because the United States isn't doing jack about it.

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