
Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.?

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Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.?




  1. lol

    he'd drop them if he didnt carry them

  2. The Easter Bunny is the official distributor of eggs, not producer of eggs! Just like Santa! - you don't see him laying toys, do you?! No, he just distributes them! And wha-la! you're no longer confused! Run free pondering mind... run free.... lol

  3. lol-ur funny hahaaa.

    erm because he stole it from the golden goose

  4. That is why!!! they wanna deep down lay eggs instead of having baby bunnies. HAHAHAHA

  5. It's just another symbol of fertility.

  6. The Easter Bunny was introduced to America by the Pennsylvania Dutch (Germany).  The arrival of the "Oschter Haws" was considered to be a pleasure for the children.  When the children were good the Oschter Haws would lay colored eggs.  (Kinda like Christmas).

    The Bunny itself came from pre-christian fertility folklore.  The rabbit being a fertile animal was a symbol of new life in the spring....

    Hence, the bunny carries colored eggs to simplify the entire tradition.

  7. Because in the magical land of Bunnyopolis, the bunnies there are super smart geniouses and are so advanced in technology that they can make every product, made by man or nature, in the world. So one day, as they were making the eggs through thier egg maching, the evil scientist Easter Bunny decided to dye the eggs when no-one was looking. He did, and they were beautiful, but they were deadly stink bombs and were highly toxic (seeing as how the bunnies ate the eggs shell and all, as was their custom in Bunnyopolis). Then the Bunnyopolis cops were onto him when someone ate an eggs and he stood there laughing saying "I killed you, I killed you!" So he took his eggs and ran. Not knowing that we humans didn't eat the shells and knowing that we thought we were the domininant species instead of the bunnies, the evil EB tried to plant the eggs in colorfull baskets of fake grass and candy that was growing plentifully in Bunnyopolis so he could kill us all. But it didn't work because we didn't eat the shells, so every year, the EB comes and tries to kill us with his eggshells of death, and everyyear we take it as a sign of free candy and Jesus's rebirth and stuff like that, and we celebrate by making equally as smelly but nowhere as near as toxic eggs, trying to make them like evil EB who to us is a sign of fluffy cuteness, but unbeknowest to us, he keeps an array of knives under his feet pads and ears. Good times... lol see what a little imagination can provide? Well it's irrelivent, since this is all true.

  8. because i didn't grow up hearing about the "Easter Chicken"....

  9. don't know

  10. haha..

    i started laughing when i read that..

    its actually trueee!

    good point..and good question..!

    i guess you cant really have "easter chicken" can yaa :L

    but i have heard it is something to do with a symbol of fertility.


  11. He is just the delivery guy.  The UPS man doesn't lay packages, he just delivers them.

  12. The Easter Bunny is not real and please don't ask about Father Christmas

  13. Hmm, good question, I have never really thought about it. I suppose because it's to do with the whole spring thing and everything as well so like bunny's and birds laying egg's so it like new life and it's in Easter time and everything.

    Star for you!

  14. but them my vid woudlnt be as funny  

  15. good point! no idea

  16. but theyre not ordinary eggs their choccy eggs! and my parents brought us up telling us that they brought the eggs then the bunny would come put them in the basket and hide them all round the house xD i used to be scared of seeing a giant bunny so if i couldn't sleep id go under my covers haha

  17. One explanation is that these symbols came from paganism and were adopted/stollen by Christianity. the festival of Easter occurs at the time that is the festival of Spring Equinox.

    The rabbit (originally a hare) represented the Godess of fertility and the egg the God of fertility

  18. Easter is a Christian holiday celebrated by the vast majority of Christians. Some of the customs, like Easter eggs, go back to pre-reformation times so could be described as "catholic" - so unpopular with some evangelical protestants who will usually call them "pagan" - which they aren't.

    The most likely explanation of people giving eggs as gifts at Easter is because, in Catholic tradition, people gave up eggs (and meat and dairy producs) for lent, the 7 weeks (or so) before Easter. Giving someone an egg was s symbol of the end of the Lenten fast and the celebration of Easter. Dying them was probably simply a way of making your gift look pretty, though there are other stories about the origins most of which were made up later.

    People have made up legends about Easter Eggs concerning ancient pagan goddesses and the like. These are relatively modern inventions and have no historical basis.

    The "Oschter Haws" (Easter Hare - not rabbit) is the origin of the Easter Bunny. The idea comes from Germany. The Hare rears it's young in the open fields, not in burrows, and makes a sort of nest for them, called a form. These forms looks a bit like bird's nests so a folk myth/tale/joke arose that hares actually lay eggs. Possibly there was a saying "searching for hare's eggs" meaning a futile quest. But, for children at Easter, the quest works because of the magical Easter Hare.

    So the bunny hiding eggs is a mixture of Christian tradition and folk lore. No pagan religion involved.

  19. erm erm erm erm your the easter bunnie ahhhhhhhhhh

  20. Both the rabbit, a prolific breeder, and the egg are old pagan fertility symbols adopted by churches to attract new members.  Churches with pagan beliefs also had temple prostitutes and a huge wooden male s*x organ near the altar which was also pagan in nature and fertility related.  As churches got more modern, the wooden male s*x organ was moved outside and became the steeple on the church.  Needless to say, these churches are not God's true Church.

  21. Only the chocolate bunny does that I have them in my garden

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