
Why does the England have so many trees ?

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Why does the England have so many trees ?




  1. We need them for our favourite meal.  We carve little sticks out of that softer bit under the bark, fry them and serve them with old frozen lumps of fish.

    The rest of the trees we need for paper to wrap it all in.

  2. Tis a jungle out there!!

  3. Becuase it's nature

  4. cos it is our green and pleasant land!!!!

  5. We need tree's to breath!

    I've planted about 100 tree's in the last 8yrs.

  6. We have a temperate climate, which makes growing conditions ideal for most tree species, along with the fact that our soils are relatively fertile.

    We have something of a national affection for big, majestic trees such as the Oak.

    There are laws to prevent the felling of trees.

    And, as the first poster said, we are famed for being a "green and pleasant land".

  7. dosent have too many, most of england is urban, Wales and Scotland on other hands have many more.

  8. because it would look really naff without them !!! and u wouldnt be able 2 breath as well !!!

  9. Many years ago, England was a heavily forested country. It is the natural ground cover for our climate. Now, sadly, mankind has decimated the forests. We need trees to take in the carbon dioxide we breath out, that gives the tree what it needs, and in turn it gives out oxygen for us to inhale. The trees also provide wood for us to burn, make products out of, shelter for both us and wildlife, and in some cases fruits/nuts we can eat. In places, trees extract water from the ground, resulting in easier walking on drier land. Root systems stabilise the ground, making for less soil erosion, benefiting other plants.

    It would be a bleak landscape if there were no trees.

  10. So we can breath.

  11. The climate seems to be right for many of our trees to flourish and we also have a law which protects many trees from being felled.

  12. probably most likely to do with our climate, and it being so wet

    if it didn't rain so much, it wouldn't be such a green and pleasant land :-D

  13. So the Germans can walk in the shade?  Oh wait, no, that was France. . . .

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