
Why does the FDA allow drugs even if they are proven toxic to people?

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Cipro antibiotic causes tendons to explode.

What other medications are toxic that the FDA doesn't mind people consuming?




  1. whiskey

  2. "MAY LEAD TO"  Please read the entire article and understand what you have read.

    There is always a risk when ingesting any chemical, to some, aspirin can be deadly.  When prescribing medicines the physician weighs the risk to benefit factor.

  3. pretty much every single chemotherapy drug. in the end the toxicity is much needed to ensure that the drugs are doing their job.

  4. Probably for money.'s possible they think the good out weighs the bad.  

    Consumers should realize that whenever you put a foreign substance in your body, there's a chance for an adverse reaction.  It's not just the FDA or drug makers fault.  Personal responsibility?  

    That's my thought on it anyways.

    ***In my mind, all prescriptions have side effects.  If a person chooses to take a prescription there is usually several paragraphs worth of side effects and sometimes even death occurs.  I'm thinking that if the medication helps some and makes them money then the prescription companies will sell it as hard as they can.  The FDA does what it can but it's limited. Personal responsibility comes into play in that ultimately the person taking the prescription pays the price.  It's up to them to be informed. Unfortunately in our society people don't ask questions and pay the price.  Still...they swallowed the pill or allowed the injection. What can I say?  Human lab rat?  Well, of course...

  5. Tetracycline is toxic, but only when it expires.

    Perhaps that is the same thing with the ciprofloxacin.

    That is the only cure for anthrax, so I think we should keep it around.

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