
Why does the GOP continue to claim that Obama is for a tax increase for working class families?

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0 LIKES UnLike is an independant organization, here is an article describing this oft repeated lie:

Is it significant when a party attacks scarecrows instead of debating the issues?




  1. because they have nothing else to say about him. he has even said in his speeches he is lowering taxes for middle class families and raising taxes for the "wealthier" americans if they even exist in todays economy! mccain is pathetic.

  2.    You will agree that Obama is a democrat, right?  Well, what the democrats love to do is attack the rich.  What you can't get through your head is just  how average you have to be for them to consider you rich.        

        For instance,  I just found out that for my son to get any disability money for his autism, I have to own less than $35,000 dollars worth of assets besides my house.  We are a one income family firmly in the middle class.  I can't afford any bling, or nice cars, or even the stupid rims that go on nice cars,  and I never qualify for any assistance.  I own my own house (built it myself), own my own used cars, and own a small parcel of property at the end of my drive way including my own 20 acres with my house.  I live in appalachia, so these properties are fairly worthless by your city standards.  Do I sound rich?  I am totally average.  I cannot qualify for any aid, ever.  That means they probably think I am rich.  Not rich enough for the first attack, but maybe the third or fourth.  Probably at the same time the gun crackdown comes.  


        The simple answer to this is that the Dems always raise your taxes  and give the money to the people who refuse to take care of themselves.  I really wish they would just butt out, and let us all live or die by our own choices.  

  3. Because people are stupid and take them at their word without knowing it's true. They call all democrats tax and spend for decades. It's what has worked for them. People think that more government programs mean more taxes. The problem is that we spend incorrectly and we have alot of problems with how government programs are run. Republicans are to lazy or stupid to figure out how to fix programs to be more efficient. They solve problems by throwing money at them or by cutting money from them rather than putting in the effort before giving up on a government program. The whole tax and spend label works for them so they use it whether or not it is true.

  4. Because that's what they have to resort to.  They think that the public is so dumb that they'll buy this stuff.  

  5. they are willing to lie to attract voters. They are attempting to scare voters and because they are wasting time on lies about the Obama campaign, they didnt even know that good ole Palin is married to a man who hates the USA so much that he belongs to a separatist group that would rather separate and form their own country! so much for all of these patriotic republicans

  6. Thats because there has never been a single democrat in 40 years that lowered any taxes which should make anyone wonder if they really mean it or not.  The only party that has ever lowered taxes for the middle class was the republican party.

  7. Fear and misinformation used to work with their base.

    They appear to have not noticed that their base is gone.

  8. No he just wants to tax businesses.

    So unless you buy things from a business... like food, clothing, or gas... and unless you get a paycheck from a business, it won't affect you at all!

  9. Because they hear what they want to hear, not what's actually said. Republicans hear, but don't listen if it's a Democrat talking.

    Let them all vote for Mccain. Most Republicans, like Democrats are not wealthy and it amazes me that the Republicans who vote Republican think they're going to be looked at, seen, or cared about, when in reality, The Republicans don't care about them anymore than they care about the middle and lower classes of Democrats. It makes you wonder if they actually have a thinking, working brain.

  10. Because if they continue to say it their brainwashed followers will believe it.

    Just like when Bush kept linking Iraq and 9-11. Eventually his brain dead followers believed him.

    Republicans......lies and the lying liars who tell them.

  11. He wants to go after big business, which sounds real purdy to the morons who don't realize that big business will take their tax increases out on you.

  12. They are running a campaign based on lies. They have nothing on Obama so they are resorting to Karl Rove tactics.

  13. GOP is claiming everything. Did you hear Lieberman?

    They apparently hope to win with personalities instead of issues.

    NOT going to happen.

  14. LOL

    You think  is independent?  LMFAO

    I agree with beachbum, above. I'm middle class, too, and my taxes are lower, since Bush cut taxes.

  15. Yes but ask yourself this question. Will any of his "supposed" plans start before or after he lets the Bush tax cuts expire for ALL Americans.

  16. because obama said he would let the bush tax CUT expire, thus raising taxes. i am middle class and my taxes are lower under president bush.

  17. Because they think the majority of Americans will buy it.  

    George Bush Sr. "Read my lips, no new taxes".  George Bush Jr. "No new taxes, just a monumental national debt--let future generations pay for it".

  18. Because they like throwing rocks in houses of stones. Reverse Psychology. Now we are not the top percent of the Rich.. giving 1 billion dollars to the country of Georgia to rebuild,  10 bill a day in Iraq.. but yet we cannot help the citizen of haiti who are the roofs of their homes or help our citizens get back to work... Remember McCain said the middle class begins at 500,000.00 .. we all can relate to that right????

  19. Right beach bum.  Factcheck did not mention the fact that he would allow the AMT tax expire.  That will be a huge increase for anyone making around 100K.  He is counting on that revenue to redistribute wealth.

  20. Yes, it's significant.

    You'll realize why if you realize that nobody's paying any attention to McCain's platform, which allows him to introduce anything he wants if he's elected.

  21. Because you can't let a little thing like the truth get in the way when you're attacking you're opponent.

  22. That's what the Republican party has become. They might as well have Limbaugh and Hannity run for President and VP.  

  23. Yes. We know it's a lie, but if you (like the Rethugs) repeat a lie enough times, uninformed people believe it. Ms. Turkeyneck (Meg Whitman) just repeated the lie as they will over and over tonight. Just listen, if you can stay awake...

  24. Well, if Senator Obama does pass his tax increase, especially the business ones, who IS going to pay for it?  Business owners don't pay taxes, they raise their prices to pass the cost to consumers.

    One way or another, ANY higher tax hurts the workers, not the rich.

  25. Because their trying to hit below the belt. The truth will be revealed when he is sitting in the oval office and Mccain is weeping in defeat.  

  26. both parties have 'talking points' about each other.  if you want to believe the DEMs, then go ahead.  if you want to believe the GOP, go ahead.  it might be better to review history.  there might be some benefit to review what groups are supporting who.  in general, the groups supporting a certain candidate may provide a hint as to how that candidate stands on issues.  for example: some nice folks only has few issues that are important to them, then review who is supporting who.  for example:  if someone can not live without a gun and believes everybody should have a gun/rifle, then look for the candidate who is supported by the NRA.  if someone is totally against and believes that life begins at conception, then look for a candidate who is supported by the right-to-life group.  if someone wants to elect a candidate that supports the middle class, then look for the candidate that is supported by unions. these are just general comments, but reportedly they have been helpful when wanting to decide who to vote for.  candidates who are DEMs nor GOP want to be elected and will make active efforts to increase the 'negatives' about each other because it is easier to say 'negatives' about each other and reportedly, it is easier for voters to remember the 'negatives' about a candidate which then leads them to vote for the other candidate.    

  27. that is because he is he wants to take from the rich who worked ******* hard for their money and give it to the poor people who dont work for ****                   obama is gunna mess up this country real bad if he's elected but so is mcain      its a lose-lose situation but mc.cain is the safer choice

  28. Becuase Obama people work for Factcheck, Go look it up.

    In the meantime :

    GovWatch: didn't vote to raise taxes 94 times; at most 54. (Jul 2008)

    Voted NO on allowing AMT reduction without budget offset. (Mar 2008)

    Voted NO on raising the Death Tax exemption to $5M from $1M. (Feb 2008)

    Voted NO on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax. (Mar 2007)

    Voted NO on raising estate tax exemption to $5 million. (Mar 2007)

    Voted NO on supporting permanence of estate tax cuts. (Aug 2006)

    Voted NO on permanently repealing the `death tax`. (Jun 2006)

    Voted NO on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends. (Feb 2006)

    Voted NO on extending the tax cuts on capital gains and dividends. (Nov 2005)

    Rated 100% by the CTJ, indicating support of progressive taxation. (Dec 2006)

    By the way 50% of middle class taxpayers will be paying the AMT (Obama wants to RAPE the workers of this country)

  29. Obama said it best on 60 minutes this weekend.  The reason Republicans keep getting elected is because they are good at campaigning.  They have to make up lies and false email forwards because they have nothing positive to say about themselves.  And unfortunately, there are American's dumb enough to not check things out for themselves.  They believe whatever falls into their inbox.    

  30. In order for Obama to be able to accomplish all the new spending he has proposed, he will have no choice but to increase the taxes on all Americans, including working class families.  I know you are not going to take my word for this, nor are you going to want to except any link I post, so lets look at it a different way.  You read the transcript of his nomination acceptance speak.  You add up the dollar amounts he stated he was going to spend on programs (now this is just from one speech), then divide that dollar amount by all taxpayers in America, and you will have an idea for how much he is going to have to increase your taxes.  This amount is going to be in addition to what is already being paid, because he is not cutting other funding and expenses.

  31. Because it in-stills fear into the uneducated.It's the only thing the Right can harp on,even if it's not true.That alway been their method of attack,scare the h**l out of them with the old tax,tax,tax scare,and throw god in there for good measure.If you don't believe it,just listen to Sarah,tonight.She's a holy roller of the first order.

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