
Why does the Government bend over backwards to give welfare to freeloaders and ...?

by  |  earlier

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yet imply and call people liars, who apply for Social Security Disability; a program they have to pay into all their working lifes just that reason? Just doesn't make sense to me. I have a friend that works for the welfare department of the county who policy is to give as much money, food stamps, and assistance to people who don't work. Yet the local social security department's seems to have a policy of denying all first time applicants (people who have worked and paid into the system). It seems so unfair and just plain wrong!




  1. I agree it's wrong. No one should be allowed anything till

    A. They are a citizen and physically unable to work.

    B. Have paid into the system fully and retired.

    C. Lost their job. However if you're in this bracket you only get free benefits for 1 month (time to find a job). After that you have do community work to EARN that check. No sitting at home in front of the TV.

    D. If you lose your job twice in 12 months then you go directly to community work. (No 1 month off)

  2. Yea things are definately screwed up but just imagine if you fell into hard times and couldn't work and needed welfare.What if it wasn't there.

    There are always people who will work the system and no matter what they will find a way. So imagine if they put as much effort into finding a job.........hmmmmm.

  3. It's empire building. As long as the government can put off paying deserving applicants, they can justify their jobs. Which in turn, increases their budget. It costs less to just give out money to everyone than to make deserving applicants jump through the hoops. Bureaucracy is contagious.

  4. a lot of people , going for social security disability, are faking it.  they need to check them all.  

    where i  live, getting on disability is some peoples goal in life.  most of them have paid in very little, over their lifetime.  they claim to have seizures, or bad back or something that is hard to disprove.  they finally get on SS,  collect a hefty lump sum payment,  then get monthly checks for life.  they do work , on the side, for cash only.  it's nothing wrong with 90% of them.

    i wish the govt would come down here and kick all of them off.

  5. sure some are freeladers but there are people with disability and it is imposible for those people to work. we should stop giving money to the free loaders and increase the care of the disabled and seniors.

  6. You're right! Non-workers should all starve to death if they can't be bothered to pay for their own food!

  7. i have yet to figure out why they dont put a cap on how long a person can use does not take 5 years to get a job, im pretty sure if ur on welfare, the 11 dollar an hour job will not be coming ur way any time soon.

  8. The reasoning for the "Powers that Be" they feel that

    Welfare recipients are the reverse of the "trickle down theory". It keeps money in the system for the business owners and some other rich Americans.

    The Social Security Disability recipients draw down from the shrinking melting pot, where the government uses the funds for, Space research, their limousines, their pensions and other goodies.

    So they want you to suffer as long as they can stretch your life out (just up to dying) then they kick you down money after they have brought in more money from the pyramid scam.

    It's unjust and certainly not fair. But if they don't see you other than just another citizen human being, it is easy for them to deny, deny, deny.

    Until you get so old, till they know that you are disabled for sure.

    They are trained and taught to deny, deny, deny. Like the

    IRS goes after you without listening. (they get bonus's) from denying the most people that they can.

    All you can do is ignore their denials and keep on forging on

    till they see that you can push paper also.

  9. John Strachey in his Book "The Theory and Practise of Socialism."

    It says  and I quote "that in a Socialist society if you don't work you don't eat". Seems reasonable to me.

  10. your incorrect buddy

  11. I wish my welfare dept was like that.  They keep calling me a liar and refuse to pay me my mileage because they think I am lying about going to school, when all the proof is in front of their face.  All I am trying to do is get off of the program and make my life better and they keep giving me c**p.  I guess they aren't used to my type.

    I am pretty sure for disability they are used to people lying that they are disabled so they dont have to work.  I know its not fair.  The dishonest people ruin it out there for the honest people.  You can appeal their decision.  Also, make a complaint to the state if you have to.

  12. It's called buying votes.

    Their are far more poor people than their are middle class or welathy and the poor want what you have. They will use their votes to elect politicians who promise to give them what is yours.

  13. Because people who have worked their whole life will go out and get another job. Those who haven't worked will continue to not work and ask you for money on the streets. Then people walk around and see those who haven't worked a l**k their whole life and feel bad and ask the government and complain that these "poor souls" never had a chance.

    its all to make people feel better at the least cost.

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