
Why does the Hispanic community enforce their women to be dependent on men?

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I'm half white and half Hispanic and the Hispanic side of my family is always asking me when am i gonna get married when am i gonna start having kids and they always say things make sure the guy you marry has money or a good job (which is irrelevant to me since i have a good career in progress and i take care of myself) (besides I'm only 21)the white side of my family is always telling me to go back to school and get my masters degree in case i ever has a change of heart with my current career and so on...all my Mexican cousins who are 20 yrs old all have children and none of them work and all my Irish cousins are all single with no children with college degrees why does the Hispanic community keep themselves (especially the women from succeeding in life) It seems like Hispanic women main goal in life is to find a man they can support them both financially and emotionally 100% (i agree most relationships should be 50/50) its kinda like they are raised to be incompetent of anything but having many children




  1. Wish years ago I had been in that culture. Too late now. You are not incompetent just because you have children and raise them. That is work and people are too blind to see it. Why do you think someone else ( other than when they go to school) should raise YOUR children???  However I am in sort of the same situation you are in because I NEVER got what I wanted except a lot of abuse so I took it upon myself to go to school and I am coming out on top of that game. Now I do not want a man and every one has to keep chattering. Do what makes you happy but in my opinion the kids that grow to be the best are the ones that are taken care of by the woman that had them not pawn out to every Tom, d**k and Harry. Sad society has made that the norm

  2. I come from the same mix but I feel like its more of a "make the family bigger" thing then a "keep the women prego" thing.BTW my white side is more selfish and self centered and they encourage that in their kids.I think "To thyne own self be true" I rep the half breeds!

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