
Why does the McCain campaign think this interview was out of line?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Didn't fit their agenda.

  2. Its like I've frequently said Campbell Brown (liberal pundit which any denial of would be preposterous)  looks like she just bit a skunk in the a$$ she is so hostile toward McCain's choice.  If you want to be hostile about something in this presidential race it should be that Barak Obama chose a declared enemy of the United States for his political mentor and his favorite author is Frank Marshall Davis a declared Communist and Soviet sympathizer.  By making these choices he virtually declares this country is unacceptable  

  3. Because it IS out of line. The candidates kids have ALWAYS been off limits and y'all don't want to go there. It will  only start rumors about Obama's wife and kids. STOP IT NOW. Before it's too late.

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