
Why does the Media ( all of it ) continue to insist?

by  |  earlier

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that Barack Obama is a Black Man .( Everyone knows and it is a matter of public record ) that he is half black and half white




  1. What are they supposed to call him, a gray man?

  2. Its better for ratings??

  3. The media is always half right. But they chose which half.

  4. The media is zionsts.

    He is not kosher.

  5. It's better for PR. If he was acknowledged to have any white blood, the most strident of them would wonder why they pandered to him so much, and call him a sellout for being successful and an "Oreo" that's a quote, I meant no disrespect to him or anyone else for it.

  6. So what -----------for Gods sake, how many times are you got to beat this dead horse.

    The issue is dead, get it DEAD

    Get over it and start looking at real issues.




    I just love it, thumbs down for not looking at real issues, no wonder this country is so messed up, it's dumbaazzzes like those that don't have a clue and can only look into the next few minutes instead of the next few decades.


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