
Why does the Pentecostal Church allow female pastors?

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I'm having a great deal of difficulty finding a church in a town we just moved to. I was raised in Pentecostal Churches but as I study the Bible I cant get past the female pastor role. It seems to me that the holiness church that are so particular with dress and conduct as directed by the apostle Paul skip the 1Tim 2:12 charge against women preachers. I do not personally wish to discriminate against their role nor do I see where female evangelism or other ministries are forbidden but aren't pastor and deacon roles limited to the guidelines set. For instance I have been married before and have since remarried(before returning to Christ) I'm very interested in becoming an evangelist and/or missionary BUT I would not feel right taking a Pastor position. That being said. Holiness take very literally everything Paul says about the Holy Spirit as divine word but take what they don't like and simply disregard it. I'm considering Baptist and other denominations but wonder if having been divorced would bar me from missionary service with them.

Let me end with this thought, If I begin interpreting the Bible to fit my beliefs and continue to attend Pentecostal churches...Where do I stop?




  1. I think it may mean to be "above" the husband.

    If no female were to teach at all, what would happen to

    the countless sunday school teachers???

    Jesus came to Mary first after rising and said,

    Go tell the others, so she was some kind of a messanger!

  2. We are commanded to "Let God be true and every man a liar".  Must we "let God be true" inorder for Him to be true?  Of course not, but it simply means when anyone contradicts God's word, always say God is true, and that which contradicts His word is a liar.  Uphold God's word over man's interpretations.  This is how we hate (love less) our mother, father, sister, or brother.  We uphold God's word over what our loved ones say is truth if it is not in accordance with that which is written.


    Rev 19:10, "...the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy".  Yes, women can testify of Jesus, but not within the assembly.  One of the critical times for a woman to testify of Christ, is before their children.  God gave the woman the greatest responsibility of all, that of teaching their children in the Lord.

    Notice what Paul writes immediately following the words, "...for it is a shame for women to speak in the church", 1 Cor 14:35.  He says, "WHAT? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?".  Paul was very aware this statement would be contradicted.  No, the word didn't come from us, but from God, and then Paul wrote, "If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord".  

    If your first marriage ended due to your spouse's adultery, you are free from that marriage.  That is the only way that you can say that you have only one wife, which is a requirement for the office of pastor or etc.

  3. Why do you have a problem with it?  Do you not know what I Tim 2:12 is talking about?  I am also Pentecostal and though I have never had a woman pastor in any of the churches I attended, I do know and respect woman preachers.  I was very young when God called me to preach, I do not desire a pulpit ministry unless the Lord would so push me in that realm, but I am a missionary.  None of the woman that I know tries to usurp authority over a man.  I think that in the last days of God having both the sons and daughters prophecy that you should know that God is no respector of persons.  

    Another issue that you spoke of (divorce) - I have a neighbor who used to attend a Baptist church but was dis-fellowshipped for divorcing (and she divorced accordingly to the Bible - her husband committed adultery).  

  4. Its not biblical..they have fallen away from the faith into satan's quest

    to take over the church..but that will never happen not as long as God can help it.  

    God loves you....God bless

  5. Scripture says that a woman's head must be covered. A woman shouldn't do anything without her head covered. There has been women in the bible that has preached and evangelized and have done missionary work and God was all in it. But I haven't seen one that was a Pastor. Now in the bible it says if a man desires the office of a bishop, or if a man desires the office of a deacon he must be a husband to one wife. Now I don't see it swapped to say If a woman desires the office of a bishop she must be a wife to one husband. Women have had a great work but you would have to show me where there was a woman pastor in the bible and I will consider it. I am not trying to have a caveman mentality but I like to have biblical backings in everything I believe concerning God. Because if not then that is how people started believing in Easter Bunny etc.  

  6. savedbygrace33ad

    I do understand where you are coming from, having attended a Pentecostal church myself for the past 25 years. I was raised in a church that taught that women could not be ministers, let alone pastors. Like yourself, I do not believe the Bible teaches that women are allowed to fill the role of pastor (unless it was under extreme circumstances, and then only temporary). I have a couple of suggestions for you...

    1. Check out this link on women in ministry. It is too long for me to list here, so check it out. It has helped answer many of my questions about this subject.

    2. If you would like you can privately message me and we can discuss this privatly. I do not know how long you've been on the R&S, but you will notice that most people here will not give you a serious answer.

    God bless you brother, and keep the faith!

    Elder Greg


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