
Why does the U.S Presidential elections seem to be a big circus?

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Compare to the rest of the world?...Are we just a big political joke?.. A friggin' act? 4 part question, if need be.




  1. Because we the American people like a big show

  2. I don't know but I am sick and tired of all the drama.

    I just want to go and vote, can't Nov. 2nd come soon enough?

  3. Why?  Because were going to "elect" the next "Fuehrer," "Duce," "Comrade," "Caesar," "First Citizen," "Mr. Popularity."  Its a joke because its not serious, is all about window dressing, propaganda, lying, hypocrisy, etc.  It's not about the Constitution, our lack of freedom (personal and economic), and a non-interventionist foreign policy.

  4. It's a democracy.  Compare the USA to the rest of the world?  I'll take the USA.  

  5. Really... You need to pay attention to the rest of the world.

    The Republic of Zimbabwe in Africa recently had an election the narrow leader in the first round had to pull out of the running. It seems that violence was cited in regards to those that opposed the 'desired' winner, Robert Mugabe.

    Russia, that's pathetic joke.  They'll be hoisting the Soviet Flag in a decade.

    Canada has Quebec pandering 101 as cause de jure.

    Australia's last election was as heated as our own.

    Korean elections end in deaths at riots (I meant Rallies).

    China, the ballot boxes may very well come preloaded with ballots courtesy of the Central Committee.

    Japan has dignified elections but that's their culture. Funny, their system is based upon ours.

    Don't whine - VOTE, it's your right and obligation.  

    VOTING: Its one MAJOR reason that from around this world, people are clamoring to come to the US.

  6. Because of the ******* liberals that ruin it.

    We need to kill them off!!!

  7. I guess you didn't pay attention to the recent French presidential election. That was a pretty insane circus, too.

  8. Because that is what sells...people love a Circus with all the clowns and acrobats and flame eating freaks!

    We are a joke with all the sensational stories about all the candidates and their VP's...the rest of the world must be laughing hysterically at our insanity.  We are so enthralled with the need to know who was pregnant when and who is part white and who has a name that sounds Muslim and who was in Vietnam and who left their wife to marry a younger woman and who got a DUI and who used power to get someone fired so they could replace them with someone they knew and who made racial slurs and who said what during the primaries and who would the Hillary fans vote for if not for a woman and it goes on and on and on...

    This whole mess might be a movie that we just got walk on parts in and we are completely unaware because that is how the play was written...the masses walk on, clueless that the whole of the United States is nothing but a stage in which to act out all the crazy sensational ideas, beliefs and just plain nuttiness.

  9. The trolls here never answer that question.

    I have asked a myriad of question about their integrity, their morality, how they manage to sleep at night, why they say sociopathlological things, why they think misinforming or just telling racial or other jokes, quips and insults is the good thing to do.

    They never answer. They are irresponsible sociopaths. I don't know why there are so many, but they appear by the hundreds. And, to tell the truth, there are some Obama people here who are in that group, but they are much rarer.

  10. I don't know but it makes me not want to vote for any of them at all but I WILL vote. So I'll probably vote for who I believe will do less damage.

  11. We enjoy our election process. Same work gets done, but we have fun doing it.

  12. Because it is like a circus but without the elephants.

  13. Dog and pony show.

  14. They are not !! ... It was just the DNC that gave that appearance ... including the clowns in attendance !!!

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama!!


  15. Cause it has lots of clowns.

    Actually the election of all countries are circuses they just have more candidates to chose from so I guess that means more rings.

  16. simple everyone involved is a bunch of clowns.

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