
Why does the U.S cares who rules Abkhazia and South Ossetia? ?

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..This is in Russia's backyard. And, this is absolutely none of our business. 2nd part question. What gives President Bush the right to tell Russia what to do? Lastly, Has America become over zealous with it's powers?




  1. Its a dangerous precedent. If Russia is allowed to get away with this, it may decide to extend the policy to incorporate other disputed border regions.

    Georgia is small and comparatively unimportant. However, a war between Russia and its huge neighbour Ukraine over the disputed Crimea region is potentially disastrous.

    Abkhazia and South Ossetia are extremely small. Population-wise they are comparable to the European micro-states Andorra, Liechtenstein, San Marino and Monaco. Essentially they would be powerless Russian puppets.

    I don't think "Russia's backyard" is a very strong argument. Georgians are not ethnic Russians, neither are the Azeri or the Armenians, or the Kazhaks, or any of the other peoples of the neighbouring states.

    Small nations and states have a right to exist, just because Russia is bigger and more powerful does not make their interests any more important than those of other peoples.

  2. well King Henry, the simplest answer i can come up with for you is the reason the USA does what they do is because we are All Powerful and No One can Stop Us

  3. Oil.  Free Trade Arrangements. Russia is independant.

    As to rest of question The U.S.A. has no buisness at all as The EU could handle it  if the problem but since Russia is thinking about joining The EU  and other places as well so no problem.

  4. This is a typical abusive,  and arrogant behavior of the United States. If Russia would does the same about the invasions and interventions made by the White House, I'm sure the USA would be swept of the map by nuclear weapons and they would not exist more nowadays because no other nation/government is so intromissive and transgressor of the international law&order.

  5. Georgia and other neighbors of Russia are our allies.  If we turn our back on them, why would any of our allies trust us?  If we shrug at Russia taking over South Ossetia and Abkhazia, why would they stop there?  Maybe they'll roll the tanks into Latvia and Poland next.  Heck, they did it before.

  6. You are quite right. America should be more concerned with what is going on in Palestine seeing as they are pouring billions of dollars into the Israeli pockets. A whole race of people are being persecuted by Israel with the help of the US  

  7. Let's see, the President of Syria just spent 2 days in Moscow buying weapons and all the new technologies.  

    The Russians are also arming Iran and Sudan. Putin is a very bad guy. Putin likes poison though. There a morgue full of bodies that have been poisoned by the Russian's.

    Russia supplies 50% of natural gas and 30% of oil to ALL of Europe.

    The weird thing is, if you draw a straight line from Moscow to Jerusalem, you go through Georgia. Having said that and at risk for sounding like a crazy, there is a prophecy in the Bible in Ezekiel I think it is, that speaks of the army from the North coming to Jerusalem. Hum.

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