
Why does the U.S. continue to support and defend Israel?

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It seems that they are just as guilty of religious hate, terrorism, and corruption as the countries and groups we support them against, I'm not saying one side is right or wrong, I just think that any side that sponsors terrorism and preaches hate, no matter the country, should be scorned.

Please, no religious propaganda, serious, hate-free answers only. The Jewish/ Palestinian argument goes back for too long. It's both our faults, deal.




  1. they do the dirty work for us.

  2. It's the only civilized country in the middle east. When the crazy haters stop the hate, there will be peace and prosperity. Don't hold your breath.

  3. Because the US and Isreal are economically intertwined and cannot be separated. If Isreal gets bombed by Iran (in economic terms) it is the equivelent of the US getting bombed by Iran. To allow the destruction of Isreal is to allow the destruction of the Industrailised worlds economy. So the US will continue to support Isreal as it has no choice.

  4. because that is our peace treaty  

  5. I don't recall Jews strapping themselves with explosives and blowing up women and children and Jewish mothers celebrating when their son or daughter just murdered someone by blowing themselves up

    There is no moral equivalence here. The Palestinians want Israel to cease to exist and that will never happen

  6. We are also militarily intertwined as well... and honestly Isreal is the one state that I would hate to be on the wrong side of... But I think terrorism is a two edged sword, it's always going to be on both sides until we end up destroying ourselves. .

  7. The USA is full of fundamental and evangelical Christians who think Israel cannot do wrong.

    Also, US politicians are very influenced by the Israel lobby: JINSA, AIPAC.

    Does it ever occur to you that Israel is blackmailing the USA?  Remember the Monica Lewinsky scandal?  Jews like Monica, Linda Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg were probably on a hotline to Israel.  Blackmailing Bill Clinton??  Ditto Chandra Levy and Gary Condit??  Ditto Eliot Spitzer and that call girl??  NJ Governor James McGreevey and his g*y Israeli lover Golan Cipel??

    Israel spies on us:

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