
Why does the U.S. government think that they know what is best for us,when "we the people" should decide.

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Why dont we get to decide as citizens,what we can eat drink smoke ect.,instead of some politicians deciding without our concent...?




  1. the liberals think they know what is best,thus they are communist

  2. We elect people into office that know what has to be done. These people are the cream of the crop. They go into office dedicated to ensuring the best interest of the American people is taken care of. They work hard in spite of rain, hail or snow, long hours, adversity and rising gas prices to take care of us. How could you not understand that? They know what is best for us because they spend time meeting with us (not big dollar special interest sponsors as some people would have you think), they told you how well qualified they were for the elected position before you voted for them (that is why you voted for them; you did not have to study the issues, look at their past history, compare their success and experience  too know they were the best. We are intelligent adults so we are not fooled by talk, gestures, arguments and makeup. You knew when you cast your vote they were not twisting the truth (they really did visit a lot of foreign dignitaries and did more than play golf and wined and dinned with these foreign leaders – there was really some good and long lasting benefits from all those visits). Before they became politicians they were doing things to help others (before they knew they had to have their name at the top of the “LOOK AT ME LIST”).  These are the people who worked hard to help people who need help. They didn’t just play golf, sit under shade trees and watch others do the work; they did not accept life from a silver spoon but actually took part in building the American Dream. These are not “song and dance” people but hard workers who want nothing but the best for you and America (that’s why they all come out of office far wealthier than they were when they went into office). They actually come out and talk to you rather than rely on polls (and we know the polls are not manipulated). They study official reports rather than have their aids brief them (okay – so most of them did not read the Iraq Intelligence reports before voting for war) so they have time to think about more issues ( what should I wear at next months press call). So – when you hear the politicians say they know what we want or what we need you should be ready to agree with them because we voted them into office. AND, if it does turn out that the politician was not truthful, or does not do what s/he said they would do, commit crimes while in office, or turns out not to be capable of doing the job, we will not vote for them again; or better yet – recall or impeach them (why do we complain but leave them in office?)!

  3. We elected them to make the decisions for us in our best interest.....of course everyone knows it's for their own agendas...not the peoples.

  4. Because when the jerks are running for office they make us think that they're doing it for us, all the while knowing full well that they're doing it for their own self interests. Do you really believe that they are taking the time out of their lives to serve you and me? h**l no!

  5. And if YOU were to decide, the first thing would be... let me guess... pot for everybody and free. Right?

  6. We do, and do every year.

    We can legislate.  Do you?

    We can vote.  Do you?

    We can protest.  Do you?

    We can run for office.  Do you?

    Stay silent, don't vote, don't act.

    They'll decide for you.

    (Oh, "they" is actually me and all the other people who give a care for their country and do something about it.  More power for us.  Thanks.)

  7. Because we keep paying taxes :)

  8. the government has no concern for us.  every law that is passed is basically a freedom we lose or a cost we will pay.   i would love to see some comparison about what we pay now vs. taxation at the Boston tea party

  9. The government is supposed to speak for the majority, while looking out for the minority.  Even without the government, there would still be groups of people that would use power to intimidate and get their way and rule the rest of the people.  Basically you will always be living under someone else's rules, the best you can hope for is a say in the process.

    We are deciding as citizens basically, because we keep voting the same types of people into power and for forcing ourselves into a two party system.  If you feel strongly that you should be able to choose your own way of life you should vote for candidates outside of the two major parties and persuade your friends and family to do the same.  Other parties such as libertarians believe that individuals have the right to do as they please as long as they aren't infringing on the rights of others.

    The U.S. government didn't decide one day to take our rights away, we have voted our rights away by rewarding the politicians that have increased the size of government by enormous amounts.  We have asked them to rule our lives for us because we didn't feel capable.  They choose our television content, our drinking age, where we can smoke, our mandatory safety devices, how the schools are run, etc. because we didn't feel up to the job.

    It was the will of the majority to do these things, and now the majority must decide otherwise if they wish things to be any different.

  10. That is why there are things called elections.

  11. I decide what I eat, drink and smoke (although I should be able to smoke Cubans). Why don't you?

  12. follow the money trail.

    special interest gropus and other groups/people w/massive amounts of money wield undue influence on our politicians.

    the federal gov't has trampled upon the rights of the states and has influence beyond what was originally intended (look at medicinal marijuana laws in CA & other states as an example - not saying those laws are right/wrong, just that they should be a state by state decision, not a federal one - along w/many other laws -speed limits, abortion, etc).

    the populace needs to find a way to band together and demand a 'none of the above' option to be required on all ballots.

    call you legislators and make your voice heard on any and every issue that concerns you.

  13. I agree with you. I'm a nonsmoker. But I sure in the heck don't think that anyone else has the right to tell smokers that they can't smoke out side. Geeeee here, They've banned smoking on our beaches.....I can see the point about the butts on the beach. If the people would pick them up, then they wouldn't have to worry about them.

      And as for the government, They don't even know what the heck is going on.And some of them their lives are so messed up. It's not funny..

  14. Its simple, when half the people don't vote then we get out of control government. Politicians generally do not like alot of people voting. Less campaigning and less people to placate.

  15. That is socialism. The leftist republicans and democrats are driving the country in that direction. Individual liberty cannot exist in a socialist system.

  16. Ever wonder what is "King and I"

    Luke 9.55-56

    Look around at the mess with the "We"

    Until we kick the butts of our little one, own children, own generation and living human kind living in misery in own backyards.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

  17. mckenziecalhoun left off one thing,

    talk to the elected officials and tell them what you think

    The government is catering to special interest when they start exercising undo control over matters that should be free choice.

    You notice that alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are legal. No one can tell me that they are any safer or healthier that smoking pot. But there is major tax money in it besides the campaign contributions from the manufacturers.

    The point is, the government makes loads of money off of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.

    You don't think they can change now after all of these years of saying "Just say no".

    The same with motorcycle helmets, if I want to risk leaving my brains in the road, it should be my choice. But, the helmet industry would go under without the laws.

    I say, let all of the people that want to do their body harm by eating, drinking, smoking or whatever, let them.

    Survival of the fittest (and smartest).

  18. They just do what the lobbyist tell them to do. And That goes for both parties. Don't be fooled when Democrats blame Republicans about the lobbyist. Don't fall for it. Both Parties are guilty. Money talks in Washington

  19. You could not have said it better, my friend.

  20. we live in a republic not a democracy. we hire(vote) people to run our government and we can change what they say and do by voting,but we by and large do not.If you want to change this then vote and ask others to vote until a large enough number do.other wise all you get are the extremists on both sides making you do what they say.

  21. There are these things called elections every couple of years at which "we the people" decide who we want to represent us.

  22. Wouldn't it be great if we could all drive around drunk or drugged or breath proven carcinogens over people who don't want it? While we are at it we could party all night with no concern for our neighbours.

    You have the rule of law or you have anarchy. So start your political party and stand at the next election. You should easily get the support of 3% of the population. That's the 1% criminals and 2% idiots. Good luck.

  23. Very true my friend. But you have to look at it this way. Most of the country doesent vote or really even know whats going on in the world. A vast majority cant even spell constitution let alone know whats in it. We also tend to depend on the government alot in latter years......teach our kids about s*x in school the schools should do this the government should do this. ETC ETC. Basically you give them an inch they take two and unless you take it back two becomes three....and so on.

  24. because most people are moronic sheep. the founding fathers knew this and it is why they made this country a "republic" and not a true democracy.

  25. You can join the people who believe that 'we the people' should decide at

  26. A good question.  Thomas Jefferson said words to the effect of "That government is best that governs least".

    I think the government should butt out of many aspects of our lives.

  27. We did. We put those people there. Vote next time a smoking ban is on the ballot.


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