
Why does the U.S. news seem incapable of producing quality propaganda and subliminal programming?

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Why does the U.S. news seem incapable of producing quality propaganda and subliminal programming?




  1. Then why do so many people want to immigrate here?  Looks good here and it is the # 1 place people want to visit.  They get the news from somewhere so it must be working.

  2. Decode this lyrics " It's a mad, mad world"

    The reality and horrors on what went wrong out there in time.

    Why reinforcement had to be called in in time.

    With "Just in time" inventory.

    Luke 8.5-8, 10-17

    What do you think?

  3. Those who produce television news can exert a powerful influence  

  4. You kidding ?! The American People swallow Everything the Media feeds them Anyway- Why Bother ?!  :0

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