
Why does the UK need a Minister for Women and Equality?

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"In September 2005, a Judicial Review found [Patricia] Hewitt "guilty of unlawful s*x discrimination" when she employed a female applicant for a DTI position ahead of a significantly stronger male candidate... The case was particularly notable because Hewitt was Minister for Women and Equality at the time"

Do we need feminists in government promoting special laws for women?




  1. Women and minorities will always need special help as their true nature/abilities are not really equal to non-minority men.

  2. Inequality like Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.So if you feel unequal or discriminated against you will vote for someone or something that promises to make things "better".Whether you actually get "better" or what you "want" is a moot point.

    Statistics such as "women earn on average 20% less than men" are used as evidence of "inequality" but they do not neccessarily provide evidence for discrimination or deliberate "oppression" of women just because they are women. I would say its not a matter of inequality but "parity" which is a different thing.The reasons are many and varied.

    One reason for instance for the "glass ceiling" that wimmin complain so much about is largely that climbing up the greasy corporate ladder is largely a matter of how "clubbable" you are.Some people see that as "if your face fits".However you define it - it affects men as well as women and is not something that you can legislate out of existence.

  3. Now wn you say 'we' im assumin u mean uk voters/citizens. The short answer is:no! 'we' dont need special laws for people. (laws are supposed to be objective, dealing with the WHAT question not the WHO question).

    Politicians however, need these laws. Why? To attract women voters, and to have the chance every now and then to take the moral high ground even the filthiest politician loves. (look at MEEEE!! I SUPPORT women!! Unlike my sexist pig opponent!!)

    Such laws also create job opportunities for bureaucrats, expand politician's power, and provide lawyers with income (e.g discrimination suits). as a side note, many lawyers join politics, benefitting doubly from these laws. As for the voters?? dont kid yourself

  4. the equalities minister is not there to promote special laws - the minister is there to promote equality, by making sure that women and socially excluded groups have access to the same opportunites as the majority.

  5. Thats truly sad now they will fast track special interst laws for women. Sucks to be you in the UK.

  6. Yes, going by how sexist the 3rd wave of feminism is, it would be unusual to not have a sexist minister in parliment

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