
Why does the US allow all other foreigners to come in and get residence but not for the Mexican immigrants?

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When I mean all other foreigners I mean people from India, Pakistan, Asia, etc. Why does the US only focus on not letting in the illegal Mexican immigrants? I mean it's not like their not supporting the all other foreigners. It's the same thing. How many different races do you see here in the US? There's all kinds. What do the Mexican ones have that the other immigrants from other countries don't have? Or vice verse. Answer my questions and explain.




  1. Most people from people from India, Pakistan, Asia, etc come here legally, Mexicans......not so much.

  2. Because mexicans are the largest group of illegals... like 90% of them.

    And if you actually do the research you would know that Mexico gets more visas then any other country... yes that's right, the US lets in more Mexicans then Chinese.

  3. They don't know how to act.

  4. Because they are illegal. That's the ******* point! We wouldn't let in illegal Canadians or Russians either.

    And don't say he let in everyone else because a friend of mine had to wait six years for his green card to move here.  

  5. Remember the Alamo

  6. Bubbles, anthropologically speaking there are only FOUR races. The old racist classification, like classifying beans, was white, black, yellow, and red.

    Today, we say Caucasian, African descent, etc. About the other two races, I am not sure how they are called nowadays

  7. I'm with you. I understand your question. Its like the cubans they swim to shore and touch ground and they are residents and the mexicans they swim but they get to grounds and they get turned aways that is why mexicans come in illegal because they make it difficult for them and who are the ones who come and do the jobs that nobody wants to do the mexicans, Mexicans come to this country to have what there country doesn't offer. Who are the main ones that hire mexicans? The white people and they don't complain! I think that the people who they should check they don't. Did you see the report of a woman from the middle east who was a scientist and got busted because she was with Al-queda. And that is what the ICE officials should be concentrating on taking bad people not people who come to be somebody! Look i know that It didn't answer your question I gave an opinion and I am sorry but i read some things people wrote and it makes me mad to know that there is alot of racism when their ancestors were immigrants themselves. Everyone is an immigrant who discovered North America..what was he an english white man?  

  8. Why is it that you think that you could come from Mexico by the millions when ever you want to and without an invitation in other words illegally. Why is it that you do not understand that we don't want illegals from any nation and not only from Mexico. Do you know that if we open our border the majority of Mexicans will come to our country because their conditions are extremely poor. Why is it that you people don't demand from your Mexican government changes and STOP coming to a country that you consider RACIST and anti Mexicans. WHY??

  9. In 2007, 148,640 Mexican citizens immigrated legally to the US and were given green cards.  That is the largest number of immigrants from any single country in the world.  In the same year, only 65,353 Indians, 13,492 Pakistanis, and a total of 383,508 from all of Asia - including China, the Philippines, etc, etc, received green cards.  So your question is nonsense.

  10. Because residents can be allowed to work in big companies with well paid jobs but illegals work were they can be hire.

  11. Because the vast majority of ILLEGAL aliens come from Mexico. So, therefor, they make the bulk of the illegal immigration crisis.

    Answer this question please:;...

  12. I realize that there are foreigners from EVERY country here illegally but most foreigners do not come here and march demanding their rights when they already have more rights than a US citizen. that's what the deal is. Mexicans come here getting welfare,  refusing to assimilate and then bit**ing because we are racist and we don't want to speak their language when they are taking our jobs,  crowing our school systems, committing most of the crimes,  taking from our social welfare systems. I do not welcome anyone here that is not willing to come in legally but I have a big problem with people who come here DEMANDING things that they have no rights to, have not paid into the system for and then want to BIT** because they aren't treated right, while at the same time bragging that they hate us and our country.

  13. what makes you think we dont allow mexicans? they are here in record numbers. they are ILLEGAL and we still allow them here. i ask you again....what makes you think we dont allow them?

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