Before America goes to war against Iran, subjects thousands of Iranians and Americans to death or harm, spends billions of American dollars, skyrockets oil to over 300 dollars a barrel and over $10 a gallon, and plunges America and the world into depression and rampant terrorism, here are a few good questions!
Which country in the Middle East actually possesses nuclear weapons?Israel.
Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?Israel.
Which country in the Middle East refuses to allow international inspections of its nuclear facilities? Israel.
Which countries in the Middle East have called for the region to be a nuclear-free zone? The Arab countries and Iran.
Which country in the Middle East occupies land belonging to other people?Israel which occupies a piece of Lebanon, a larger piece of Syria, East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.
Which country in the Middle East has for 60 years refused to return to their homes and land? Israel