
Why does the US not have a king and queen like the UK?

by Guest64830  |  earlier

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Why does the US not have a king and queen like the UK?




  1. Because that would mean we weren't a democratic country. Plus what do you want us to do pick some random guy to be king. How would we go about randomly acquiring a monarch. we have a president no matter how stupid he is.

  2. they are called celebrities.

  3. because a few peasants from britain exiled due to dead treats from the monarchy set sails to flee and settle in  a piece of land somewhere near the present America ( which was actually discovered by Columbus in his failed mission.) Because there was no so called Royal blood , the peasantsgrew in strength and wealth as well. and they formed their own rules and society and the came the republic when many Jews with extraordinary talents fled Germany and settle there. it's just like some Aryans came , deceive the aborogines in India and settle down permanently. Where India failed , America excelled in keeping it's flock together and developed into the mightiest in all spheres of life , nation. Had there been KINGS AND QUEENS LIKE INDIA or Britain etc America would not have been allowed to have all inclusive growth as this is in gist the selfish Royals are good at. Celebrate because America did not have kings and queens. You are certainly a vibrant nation. Long live America Long live TRUE democracy.

  4. because they r jobless

  5. We opted for something different.

  6. Because the US is ruled by democracy and everyone votes for President. In the UK the Queen really is just for show she doesn't have any power - it's Parliment that does.

  7. Because this is a Presidential Democratic Republic. We have a PRESIDENT here. HE is the one who does all the work.

    Are ya 12?

    We don't have a king and queen because that is exactly why the founding fathers seceded from England in the first place.

    Don't know what 'seceded' means, get a dictionary.

  8. Because you are a democratic republic not a democratic monarchy. Of interest though is that many of the US Presidents have been related to the British Royal Family.

  9. They used to share our monarchs, but decided they were better off without one.

  10. I rather think that it's due to the American War of Independence when the colony won its independence from England and the king.  The form of government was then defined and documented in the Constitution.

    Many people migrated from Europe to America in order to escape more or less despotic monarchic regimes, (and religious intolerance) so it is understandable that the model of democratic republic would be selected as the preferred form of government.

  11. The USA is a democracy.

    Britain is a monarchy.

  12. Because we are a Republic not a Monarchy, I do sometimes think we might as well have a King in this Country though.

  13. this is america and we suppose to have presidents and governors and all those other stuff.

  14. The reason the United States revolted and formed a nation was in opposition to monarchy. To then form a monarchy would have been hypocritical and nonsensical.

    Besides, hypothetically, who would they have chosen? No one man can say to have conquered the United States, and kingships typically came about due to inheritance or conquest.

  15. cus we have a president instead,......a pathetic one, ...but none the less...

  16. The United states was created in opposition of the crown.  It would seem silly if they themselves adopted a monarchy after they started a new country to get rid of one.

  17. Because the whole reason people came to the new world, and fought the British to for independence, was to get away from a cruel monarchy, and to create a democratic republic.  Even so, we have George Washington to thank for refusing to be made King after the Revolutionary War, as some suggested.  He insisted on the institution of a system for electing leaders.

  18. Being a GWM myself, I can assure you that the US has many many queens.

  19. We gots B.B. King and Queen Latifa , and dey gots more soul than all the kings and queens in the history of the UK.

  20. because we yanks are not brainwashed from birth to accept royals as necessary like the  brits are. WE THINK FOR OURSELVES, AND DONT LET OTHERS THINK FOR US.

    Brits are so brainwashed from birth to accept royalty as necessary they cant get the suds and water out of their brain.

    to figure out that they royals have one hand over every brits mouth and the other hand in every brits pocket

  21. because after the colonists kicked out England they didn't want to use the system they fought so hard to oust, so they made up a new one.

  22. because the people here had enough of one royal to last them forever I think his name was George

  23. They have a different system of government, because they are a republic.

    They have a president instead.

  24. The US was founded to keep one group form ruling over everyone, we fought for equal representation (despite how it has turned out).  According to legend, Washington turned down the requests of his comrades to have power over the country, its because of him that presidents have terms rather than reigns.  Its because of FDR that the president is limited to 2 terms in office, something that a lot of Americans can be thankful for!!

  25. Because, unlike the U.K., there is no one whose ancestors once conquered us.

    But actually I would personally prefer a monarch without partisan afilliation and loyalty.

  26. Simply because US was once a colony of UK and US is a federal state which they elect their president as the head of the state!!!

  27. America has nobody classy enough to be royalty...

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