
Why does the USA allow the enemy to hide in Pakistan?

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Top U.S. generals, European presidents and analysts say the blame lies to the east, in militant sanctuaries in neighboring Pakistan. As long as those areas remain havens where fighters arm, train, recruit and plot increasingly sophisticated ambushes, the Afghan war will continue to sour.




  1. Well after just having left northern Iraq. I can tell you that what the top U.S. Generals are saying about the enemy hiding in Pakistan is true. From the job that I did over there, I can promise you that it is true. That's about as far as I can go with that, however its not only Pakistan. They are hiding in all of the surrounding countries especially to the north.

    The reason is simple. In our area of operations alone there where over 360 kilometers of Syrian border where smuggling and everything you can think of were coming from. So its not just Pakistan my friend.

  2. Pakistan is responsible for terrorists hiding in their country, not the USA.  While Pakistan does allow this "hiding" and terrorist training camps, they also help the United States a GREAT deal, allowing us to use their airspace, ect.  So they help both sides.  

    Another thing about Pakistan is that the terrorists mainly hide in the tribal areas of Pakistan where the tribes do not recognize any authority over them (they have their own security, leadership system, ect), which is a breeding ground for terrorist activity (the tribes aren't necessarily terrorists, but they allow terrorists to use their land).

    It's a complicated situation all around.

  3. Politicians and politics keep us from doing what it necessary to win. Pakistan is a weak ally. They don’t have the stomach to fight the militants.  

  4. pakastan is has neuks

  5. Of course it is true` The taliban would be a thing of the past by now if they were restricted to Afghanistan and not crossing international borders.

  6. We should invade Pakistan to stop it?  That would cause an even bigger uproar.  We have to hope that the Pakistani government regains control of the Northern Tribal Area or the people living there decide not to let them hide there; long term we might have to take some action there but right now the idea is to catch them and kill them in Afghanistan as much as possible.  An American invasion or large scale operations in that area would cause a huge backlash against the current government so it is correct to be patient and wait to see what happens rather then act rashly.

  7. We dont allow them to. they just hide there, we cant go invading pakistan to look for them.  

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