
Why does the USA cower in front of Russia but act big around the country of Iraq?

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Afghanistan the USA acts big.




  1. I gotta say this, for someone who answers questions in both the military and the g*y and L*****n sections you sure do come up with some doozies.

    Now to answer your question, what makes you think we cowered, what would you like to do, invade Russia?

    Also, if you believe everything that GW Bush says, then that would explain your reasoning.

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER:  The answer hereto provided within is not intended to be of a derogatory, defamatory or slanderous response to either the editor or those who have responded to the aforementioned question. It is simply MY OPINION, LIVE WITH IT!

  2. Afghanistan had to happen, they were launching attacks at us from that nation via the AQ. As for Russia, if we get into a conflict with them it would mean the end of the world, they still have thousands of Nukes as do we, if you want us to destroy the world just push for a fight between us. They could not beat us in a conventional conflict and would have to use Nukes and then we would respond and things would go south from that point for the whole world.

  3. You need to back up and get in touch with reality. What did you think the US was going to do. Go to war without troops? As all knowledgeable experts agreed there isn't much we could do militarily. That's just how it currently is. Don't get me wrong in regards to viewing Russia's actions as a absolute threat to an independent country. Hopefully a combination of the US, Nato, European Union, and UN can convince Russia to get out. Also make sure you understand this is the beginnings of something much larger than just Georgia. Let's hope the world doesn't forget the history of nations that want to control others.

  4. cus russia has nuclear weapons....

    you see a country with only conventional weapons cant kill bush.. and the other nwo traitors.. who hide behind our military

    but a nuclear power could burn them whereever they hide...

    so bush.. and his n**i friends.. will NEVER attack a nuclear power

    see how bush started kissing north korea's behind after they tested their "nuke"?

    and that's exactly the reason why.

    the usa will never attack a nuclear armed country.

    well.. i take that back.. someone as whacked as mcain.. delusional.. just might...

  5. Because Bush is like a playground bully who only wants to fight with the little kids and cowers like a puppy when confronted by a big kid.  

  6. Sure?

    Not in understanding.

    What is "War of the world" ?

    And what is internal conflicts?

    In knowing where they stand.

    And what is  leadership by examples?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  7. well if you think about it with our military thinning out ever day by sending troops from one place to another place and now we are facing a country with a organized military and millions more troops then what we are facing in Iraq and afganistan. So is it cowering or is it really sitting back and getting a hold of the situation and finding out what the tatical advantage will be and what is the right time to get dirty. Plus do you really want to get in to WW3 right now

  8. Maybe because Russia has nuclear weapons and Iraq doesn't?

  9. I'm interested to see the quote..nations have been attacking others right along. So I suspect you made it up, or seriously misrepresented what he said.

    As for Russia/Georgia... Russia is doing a much better job of damaging themselves and bolstering the position of the USA than we could do by shooting them. This will work out immeasurably in our favor by giving Europe a reality check.

  10. Because your president (not Mine) will only pick on countries he can beat up. It's called being a bully. Georgy porgy says he WILL NOT allow other countries to build nuclear weapons. He attacks Afghanistan, then Iraq and now he is talk8ing about Iran. In the meantime, North Korea i openly testing nuclear bombs but we don't do a thing to him. Bully's are cowards at heart.

  11. when did this cowering occur? we stood up to them just like we should have, by starting out with Diplomacy. If Russia is so great why did they attack little Georgia to start with?

  12. It has been America's policy to avoid direct confrontation with Russia/USSR at all costs. Nothing good could come from it as eventually one side would resort to either tactical or strategic nuclear weapons.

    That being said, nothing stops either country from assisting others from behind the scenes such as Vietnam (Soviets) and 1980s Afghanistan (US).

    If the United States really wanted to destroy Russia with minimum retribution, we could launch a first strike with our SSBN submarines off their coastline and destroy their land based ICBMs before they could counter strike. Navy attack submarines would destroy their limited number of at sea SSBNs before they could launch as well. US airforce B-2,B-1 and B-52 bombers would finish off any surviving missiles/command centers ... and that would be the end of Russia :)

    Just my 2 cents ~ Jeff

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