
Why does the USA get away with so much evil?

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From invading countries that are not/were not hostile to them at all to sponsoring Terrorism (Yes the US is a state sponsor of Terrorism).

Why doo they get away with so much evil?




  1. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. Do we take c**p off third world countries? No. Do we normally stand by and see our allies be taken advantage of and terrorized? No.

    We lead the world in aid to the poor, and have taken a strong stance againts terrorist. So sue us.

  2. Because we still have an enormous amount of power, and the other countries can hardly reach an agreement with each other about what to order for *lunch*.

    Besides, war would be bad for business. This is an enormous market and businesses in other countries can't sell their stuff to us if we're dead. ;-)

  3. because our government is no longer controlled by the people but by the big corporations see oil companies getting control of Iraqi oil

  4. For the same reason other countries do;  the world is too divided to do something about it.

    As far as doing something about the USA, all other countries are too cowardly.

  5. If we are such an awful nation...why are there millions of immigrants to our country every year...a few million too many.  People die trying to reach these shores...don't like it- LEAVE.  Try Cuba or Mexico...there should be plenty of shacks to live in down there!

    Ya know...the US gives like three times as much aid as any other country in the world....maybe we should withdraw all the aid and watch the rest of the world spiral out of control. HA!

    Get over the oil is getting tiring!  

  6. The opposite is true.

    The United States has been the force for the greatest good in the history of the world.

    The United States has transferred more wealth to other countries than any other nation of the world.

    The United States has saved the lives of more people than any nation in the history of the world.

    The United States saved France, Italy, Britain, Germany, and really all of the nations of the world from Adolf Hitler and the n***s.

    Without the United States Adolf Hitler and the n***s would have won World War II.

    After World War II the nations of the world decided that we would never ever permit another dictator like Adolf Hitler to come to power and start World War III.

    Much of what you caall evil is actually our efforts to prevent destructive dictators from coming to power or to overthrow them when they do come to power.

    Far from being evil, by being proactive in overthrowing destructive dictators we have prevented far worse destruction.

  7. Money and power USA always gets off the hook. No one will challenge USA for anything too scared.  

  8. Shut the h**l up. We were asked to come and help in many of the countries.  Did you know we have been in Iraq far before the invasion?  Did you know we have taken many people out of power, and improved so many peoples lives? Did you know Iraq is not A FREE COUNTRY because of the U.S? We are in Afghanistan for 9/11 and to get the Taliban out of power, and in Iraq for W MD and to keep them FREE! Women and children run up to our wonderful men who serve and thank them.  They are so grateful. You need to get off your high horse and realize that America is doing some great things. You make me sick.

  9. The US invaded Iraq because 9/11 changed things and Saddam didn't comply with UN weapons inspectors. Please provide evidence that the US is a state sponsor of terrorism.

  10. Because we're strong and you're stupid.

  11. Power and arrogance.

    as for the ones talking about getting saddam out of power. we put in a lot more dictators like saddam than we have taken out of power. Matter of fact we did support saddam for a long time at least until he decided to switch his oil currency to the euro. and we needed to control his oil so that the rest of opec wouldnt think of switching to that currency.  

  12. your are ill informed and need to read history and learn...if we are so evil why didnt we keep japan ,germany, and everywhere after ww2 or ww1 or anytime???? a state sponsor to an extent every and i do mean EVERY country in the world is a state sponsor.the CIA mi5 every country has its ppl to do the dirty work. always have always will.  

  13. We don't.  Radical Islam does.

    Did you get bored with harrassing the Israelis?

  14. We live in the best country on the planet.  Anyone who doesn't like it here is met with an open door.  Maybe you should consider using it.

    If we are so evil, why are people literally dying to get here one way or the other?  If you choose to leave you could make room for one of them.

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