
Why does the average American believe that an entirely plant-based (vegan) diet is deficient and unhealthy?

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And that whopper they chugged down their throat is not deficient? Many have told me that my diet was deficient... who are they kidding... This is like a smoker telling me: "Hey! Have a cigarette. What is wrong with you? You need some oxygen. You're deficient!"




  1. All the pasty scrawny vegans that are doing it wrong.

    Plus the occasional reports of people starving their babies to death on vegan dieats.

  2. Not everyone thinks veganism is unhealthy, it's just a select few uneducated individuals on this site that think that.

    I simply don't listen to those who say veganism is unhealthy.

    Oh, and may I ask, why do you always ask inflammatory questions? You're relatively new to this site, and I think there's a chance you are trolling. I could be wrong, but that's just how i feel.

  3. Because the average human is a dumbass!

  4. Because meat and cheese and ice cream are delicious. You won't convince me to ride a bike to work either, so mind your own business and leave people alone. If cows give off too much methane or die too horribly for your delicate sensibilities then go out and genetically engineer meat that grows without a brain or burp.

  5. Well because all they know is fast food restaurants like McDonalds and Burger King as well as many other food chains that dedicate their food items on people who are eager for meat... which is totally stupid. Don't they know that they are more propense of dying because of all the fat they are eating from burgers than from eating a salad! I know how you feel (I'm not a vegetarian or vegan, yet).

  6. Americans have had propaganda for the food-animal industries hammered into their brains ever since the 50s.

    Most are too lazy to do their own research so they pretend that hearsay is a reliable source of information.

  7. Hey thanks for the rant. Maybe it's the pasty acne spotted faces?

  8. Good question.  I believe it is because of what we Americans are told about nutrition as children.

    I once was eating in a food court, and there was a couple with a kid, eating McDonald's, within earshot.  This little boy was maybe 4 years old, and he said, "Hamburgers are good for you."  Of course his parents didn't tell him any different.

  9. people make fun of things they dont understand.

    they dont want to accept something different. no one does.

  10. It is interesting, isn't it?

    Ask them again when they are having open heart surgery at 38.

  11. dude. take a chill pill. im neutral on the topic actually. i mean. the vegan diet is lacking a bit, although it is still healthy. but the thing that does bother me are the s****. vegans who think the rest of the world is going 2 go 2 h**l  bc  they eat meat. i mean releax. its our own bodies. we can 's***w it up' (wheather to u this means eating meat or being vegan) how ever we want.

  12. Because corporations rule America.

    Corporations are in charge of the education in America.

    Included in this education is this message "meat is magical. eat it. you will get everything  you will ever need to live.  nothing else has what meat has.  grow to be big and strong by eating meat.  drink milk for strong bones.  and bla bla bla"

  13. i agree with you. eating mainly plant or plant-based foods is a lot more healthy if you eat a variety and make sure you are getting the right nutrients. but there are vegans out there who do not know how to eat healthily and that's why some people think veganism is deficient.

  14. good evening Mrs. Hploda Reltih aka Adolph Hitler, where do you get your statistics? I don't think the average american thinks that, and not all non vegans eat whoppers, so stop stereotyping

  15. Because society is mentally challenged. They don't understand that you can get proper supplements that make up for the lacking protein. They are stupid and they should research vegatarianism before they say that a vegan/vegatarian diet isn't healthy or the right thing to do. A lot of people tell me that animals are put on this planet to be eaten. But why eat them when they are treated so unfairly?

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