
Why does the biggest animal on Earth live in water?

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Why does the biggest animal on Earth live in water?




  1. The person above is correct, but there is another reason. Think: 75% of the earth is covered by water. There is more space for bigger animals in the sea than there are in the land. Animals adapt to fit their environment. There is only so much space on land, so animals only get so big on land. There is a LOT more space in the water, so animals can get a whole lot bigger in the water.

  2. Why not? Life is everywhere it was only chance for the biggest animal to be in the water.


  3. I think they're too heavy to walk on land so it's easier in the water

  4. I think because swimming requires less energy than walking.

  5. Two reasons:

    Water is a thicker medium to travel through than air, so a larger animal can support its weight easier.

    Food.  There is much more food in the ocean to support a creature that size,

  6. "Wise Duck" and a few others have reasoned it out correctly. There is a limit to what weight bones (and flesh) can support in the land. The buoyancy of water helps whales and other large mammals to not only move but adapt themselves to food (plankton) which they feed from the ocean in abundance and survive.

    I suppose the biggest size animals have achieved in this day and age are elephants though dinosaurs did thrive once upon a time and they were far larger on land. But some of them might have survived in marshes, buoyed up by water...

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