
Why does the body not produce too much of most hormones?

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Why does the body not produce too much of most hormones?




  1. It makes what it needs.  Waste not want not.

  2. Hormone regulation is mostly done by negative feedback.

    A good example of negative feedback is the hormone insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is made by the pancreas. Insulin is released by the pancreas when you eat glucose (a kind of sugar). The glucose goes from your stomach to the blood. The amount of glucose in the blood goes up. The pancreas sees this high glucose level. It makes insulin and releases it into the blood. Then the insulin goes through the whole body and tells cells to take glucose out of the blood. Cells use some of this for energy. But some extra is also saved in the cells to use later. When cells take up glucose from the blood this makes the glucose level go down. The pancreas sees this and stops making insulin. When the pancreas stops sending this message (insulin), the cells in the body stop taking extra glucose out of the blood.

    So the negative feedback works to keep the blood glucose level normal. If glucose is high, the pancreas makes insulin. The insulin causes the glucose to fall. Then this lower level of glucose tells the pancreas to stop making insulin.

    consider insulin again as per your question,

    if insulin is produced in large amounts, then it will cause a large amount of glucose to degrade.. thus, the brain will not get the required amount of glucose, that may prove fatal.

    it is the REGULATORY MECHANISMS of the body, which automatically work as a SELF CONTROLLING SYSTEM, to make the individual, stay alive in this world!!

    I hope it helped..

  3. due to negetive feed back system of our body........

  4. The biological systems are balanced against each other - the organs producing hormones are responding to changes in the body, other hormones, etc. and the hormones they produce produce changes that reduce the need for more.

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