
Why does the bride get to be the 2nd to come out and get to look all nice? How come we grooms can't? ?

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Ok, so I am 21 year old male and I hope to get married one day but there's one thing I hate about weddings. Women are the ones who get to look all gussied up and snazzy. They get to come out second like the spotlights all on them. Well, what a double standard custom we have. I want to be the one to come otu second. I want everyone to stand up for me and say here comes the groom. I want the special entrance. Why does the bride get the special entrance. I think we should change custom. This is such a double standard. If it were the other way around, women would be whining their butts off.




  1. *shrug*  Go for it!   When you get married, get your moment in the spotlight and walk down the aisle.  Many couples nowadays actually walk down together - and it's becoming more and more acceptable for couples to throw old "traditions" by the wayside.  

    It's your wedding, and there are no laws saying the bride has to come down the aisle with all eyes on her - and there are certainly no laws saying the groom can't do so!

    For my wedding, my fiance thought it was unfair that the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and bride and groom were collectively referred to as the "Bridal Party" - so now we say the women are in the "Bridal Party" and the men are in the "Groomal Party."  Weddings are a celebration of two people in love, so do what makes you happy!

  2. So you aren't expected to look cookie-cutter like every other man who gets married and you're complaining? Wow, I wish I had your view on this whole getting dressed up thing...

    My fiance and I are tossing a coin for which family walks down the aisle first. (yes, I know we're supposed to walk in together, but family is important too).

    And everyone stands up for you, unless you get impatient and run in before the processional. The groom is supposed to walk in with everyone else.

  3. How shallow are you? If your biggest concern is being the center of attention at your wedding, and not creating a supportive, happy home with your new wife afterward, you shouldn't get married.

  4. It dates back, I believe, to the custom that the bride is being presented to the groom.  As if she were a gift of some sort.  The groom is already at the altar.

  5. Cameron is that you?  I swear my fiance has said the exact same thing.  LOL.

  6. sure you can do that, have your wife wear the tux, and you can get your hair and makeup done and put on the extravagent white dress, and come out second. Its a custom, and customs shouldnt be changed, grow up or go turn g*y so you can get all gussied up.

  7. Well, everyone knows what the groom will look like. Tuxes all look the same! The bride is the one who has to get her hair and nails done, get her perfect dress, find the right shoes, do her makeup. The spotlight should be on her. You're arrogant.  

  8. i agree.  but i think the bride would not like to be second.  they could come out together, or the groom could come out and then the bride.

  9. You can do whatever you want for your wedding.  Most men don't care.  But if you do care do whatever you want.  

  10. I would be fine with the groom coming down second. i would gladly wait at the alter for him. It doesnt matter.

  11. you can have the groom come out 2nd we did this at my cousins wedding i mean it would be ur wedding plane it the way u want as long as u and the bride could agree and then there is the option of coming out together

  12. Not sure what your going on about because when we walk down the isle it will be together, and when we enter the reception it will be as a couple, the new Mr. & Mrs. ABC.  

  13. When you grow up, you'll get to be the 1st one down the aisle, and the 1st one everyone sees.  Hopefully you'll also be so fabulous looking in your unique (read, not standard tux...yes even Al's Formal Wear has some knock 'em dead unique styles!!!) outfit that most of the wedding attendants (especially the bridesmaids) won't be able to take their eyes off you to watch for the bride's entry!

    When you grow up and get married, I can almost guarantee you'll be so nervous before and during the event (is my tie straight, did I forget to zip..., omg, the ring is missing...) you'll be hoping for a few distractions.

    And most of all...hopefully when you get married, you'll be so in love you'll want your bride to be in the spotlight, and get goose bumps when you get your first (highly anticipated) glimpse of her coming down the aisle.  

    Good Luck!

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