
Why does the bush administration refuse to prosecute alberto gonzalez for breaking the law?

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  1. Obviously, 'cause it opens the door to prosecute Bush, Cheney, Rove, etc.

    Be patient.

  2. it wouldn't be prudent.

  3. this is off subject, but my favorite gonzales quote is the one where he said abe lincoln favored electronic surveillance

    as far as getting prosecuted, the whole group deserves it

  4. And, why does the Dem congress refuse to impeach Bush???

  5. Uhm, because he was doing THEIR dirty work.

    Why hire a fox to watch a henhouse in the first place!

    thanks for the link  

  6. Because a judicial review has already found that he didn't. End of issue.

  7. Is the administration going to prosecute itself? LOL

    The whole admin is a bunch of thugs and thieves!  

  8. Because he'd "flip" (not "flip-flop") and cut a deal that sends Dubya and d**k to Leavenworth.

    Well, maybe he's not smart enough to try that.

  9. Why are Libs so obsessed with prosecuting Republicans?

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