
Why does the casual poster feel the need to belittle everyone that asks a question?

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Why does the casual poster feel the need to belittle everyone that asks a question?




  1. Some people are very insecure. Or perhaps they are just ignorant.

    I would suggest that you become familiar with the community guidelines if you have not already read them. They give you an avenue to report someone that you feel is acting outside of proper decorum.

    Welcome and have fun.

  2. Trolls and haters.

    Seriously ever heard of E-Muscles?  Same concept as liquid courage to people who get all "hard" from drinking.

    People sitting at a keyboard love to disrespect everyone and flex their E-Muscles because your not in their face.  Without fail these people wouldn't likely ever say anything if they weren't at a keyboard but were in a room full of people.

    Don't let them get you down.  Read the good post or the ones in favor of your opinion and dismiss the rest.

  3. Report and block this "tool" like I did.

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