I have heard women say "my child ALWAYS comes first." One line of reasoning to support this attitude was stated as "husbands come and go and children remain forever." Yeah, ya think there may be a reason the husband isn't sticking around? Children, while needing care and attention, should not ALWAYS come first. The husband and wife are the head of the family. Nourish and maintain that bond, and the rest will fall into place.
My girlfriend says she wants us to marry eventually, and I love her enough to do this. However, I have issue with the "my child always comes first" approach. She has a boy that is almost eleven years old. The two of us can't have any time alone, because he demands her attention every 90 seconds, any time we start speaking to each other. More than once, he has stayed in her bedroom, as late as 1:00 a.m. and constantly demanded her attention. This is not a child that is ignored or abused. She probably spends more time with him, than most parents I know (which I commend).
When I finally confronted her about this and said it was rude and a child should have some boundaries and rules,,,, she replied "my child always comes first and I will not ignore him." Look, I would not want to be with someone that abused or ignored their child.
Yes, children need attention and need to be cared for. This doesn't mean that the child should get his/her every whim placated at the expense of your relationship with your significant other.
So, give me a show of hands. How many of you women out there, feel your husband would stay married to you, if you kicked him out of bed every night because your 15 year old son wanted mommy all to himself?
I wouldn't ask someone to abuse or neglect their child, but there has to be some kind of balance and set of priorities, not a blanket "my child always comes first." Well, not if you want to maintain a healthy, loving relationship with another adult.