
Why does the computer mess up ur eyes?

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every one always says staring atthe computer all day will ruin ur eyes but y what is it thats different about the computer?




  1. Staring at a computer does not mess up your eyes.  It can cause eyestrain if you do not take breaks from it every so often.  People also tend to blink less when using a computer and that can cause eye irritation as well.

    I use a computer almost all day at work, then I use it again when I get home.  I can sometimes use a computer up to 15-16 hours per day.  Here is the regimen that I try follow when using it to help avoid or lessen eyestrain.

    1) Drink plenty of water throughout the day

    2) Stare at a distance object for a few seconds then return your focus to an object nearby and repeat the process about five times.  I try to do this about every half-hour to fourty-five minutes.  This will help with focusing and help prevent the muscles in your eyes from locking in on a near object.

    3) I try to take a small break of about 2-3 minutes every hour and walk around and focus on various objects of different distances around me.

    4) When I use the restroom throughout the day, I will blink rapidly about 100 times to help my natural tear production and lubricate my eyes.  I also do eye circles where I move my eyes in a circle clockwise, then counter clockwise.  I also like to close my eyes tightly and then open them really wide and repeat the process several times.

    You can do all of these exercise or a variation of them throughout the day.  They do not take much time out of your day and help so much.

    I have been doing this a few years now and noticed a great improvement and rarely experience eyestrain now.  I am also more productive at work as well.

  2. i wondered this myself and looked into it, when you stare at something thats close for long periods of time, a computer screen or reading etc, the lens inside your eye is staying on that fat shape (which allows focus on near objects) for a long period of time, doing this a lot will make the lens have trouble changing back to its thin shape (which allows long distance vision) so things that are far away are blurry.

    This has happened to me and now i need glasses to see things far away. :[

  3. When you stare at a computer screen all day long you don't use the eye muscles that control distance vision. As a result you become near sighted. This is why you should limit the time you spend in front of a computer.

    There's also the problem of glare and lighting that can cause eye strain. People also forget to blink and end up with dry eyes and headaches not to mention the ergonomic problems that come from sitting hunched over for hours.

  4. It's not that it'll ruin your eyes. When you're staring at the screen, you tend to blink less- which can lead to eye dryness & irritation.

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