
Why does the cops want me to come to the Police Station ?

by  |  earlier

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ok here's the situation


My dad tried to stab me on sept 22nd . He has been mentally abusive since childhood . I went through depression, anxiety , panic attack everything ...So , i called the cops . ( i have evidence that my dad was yelling and screaming at me ) . So he was charged with something and is going to court now . He already went once ( has a lawyer too , i think )

My situation is - I dn't have a lawyer yet. I didn't get one yet because someone told me that I only get to speak during the end of trials only .


So today I come back from work , and my mom told me that the cops wants to see me tomorrow in the station . why do you think they want to see me ,Isn't their duty over ? should I be worried ?




  1. Why are you worried??  He tried to stab you.  You sound like you're guilty of something.

  2. They probably have further questions for you.  Why are you worried to go to the police department?  They are on your side, you were the one that was assaulted and almost stabbed.  You also don't need an attorney.  The Prosecuting Attorney or District Attorney will represent you in court.  As far as the police, their duty is not over until the person they have arrested and investigated is tried and found guilty or not guilty.  Go to the station and talk with the police.  Unless you have done something wrong, you are going to be just fine.

  3. maybe to get some more statements from you

  4. Most likely to do a follow-up investigation.. And/Or ask you some more questions.. If he attacked you and you are telling the truth.. Don't worry and go answer them.. Good Luck

    Just don't forget as you are being asked those questions.. If at anytime you feel uncomfortable answering.. You don't have to answer.. Tell them.. I want a lawyer! Cause cops can be tricky..

  5. they only want to talk to you.

    so don,t worry, if your telling the truth.

    it,s a very sensitive matter being it,s your dad. and your going to have alot of different feelings through out this ,just hang on

    and get someone to talk to, the cops need to get all the facts right before court. so get up tomorrow and eat your cheerio,s

    you were not in the wrong ,

  6. Gee you are a witness and victim of an assault, an arrest has been made, and maybe they need to put together a really good case for the prosecutor ya think?

    BTW, if it hasn't come up yet, you are gonna have to testify in court if no plea arrangement is reached so you better get yourself ready for hat - don't come back here all surprised at that later :)

  7. Don't worry about it, I'm sure the all the cops would want to do is help you...

  8. They probably ned a statement from you or need to ask you a few questions. I wouldnt be too worried.

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