
Why does the equality & human rights commission turn a blind eye to racism when it is from non Brits?

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This is my experience & I do have the correspondence with regard to housing ads on the gumtree that flagrantly breach the race relations act 1976 & the equality act 2006.




  1. The Bill does not turn a blind eye to this - I have seen similar ads for British people only.  If you were to complain about that ad your complaint would be upheld.

  2. That is not a fault in the act but in the Ad.

    If you report it your complaint would be upheld as likely as if it said for Yorkshiremen.

  3. Its because the equality and human rights board is run by non Brits ( By that i mean the ones that are ashamed of British culture)and a few rank PCs , who wish to destroy British culture helped by this criminal government , which turns a blind eye to everything unless you are British , then they come down on you like a ton of bricks if you dare to challenge there stupidity and so called human rights which only seem to work one way . If there was one political party that promised to sack every PC and make sure they were black balled so that they could do this country no more harm and abolish this ridiculous human right c**p . They would win an election by such a majority that it would not be overturned for generations

  4. It's not racism, it's discrimination.

    But if you ask what the difference is, I'll just mumble incoherently and change the subject.

    well ok, I guess one difference is that discrimination such as "good command of English necessary" can go unchallenged, but if it says "British people only", they will have to travel to a police station on the other side of the country to receive  police caution

  5. They weren't even interested in sexism against a white male friend of ours; as he didn't fit any of their preferred focus groups !!

  6. I find any type of racism unacceptable, but nobody can be forced to love his neighbour. An even playing field is all most people ask for. Also, people

    have a right to an opinion. New Labour's desire to crush the individual will only backfire.

  7. Because it operates on the basis of an ideology that holds that only white people can be racist.  

  8. It needs someone to complain and most people just don't bother.  I would though.

  9. this is a case of the boot is on the other foot,

    being English and Caucasian is out of vogue, we are treated as second class citizens in our own country, we suffer in silence afraid to speak out in case that feared word Racism is shouted in our direction.when party's like the BMP rise up against this injustice they go over the top and are easy meat for the an-ti's,

    we need a Boris Jonson to lead an extended policed Ukip party that treats everybody equally behind the real British people,that puts the interest of Britain before the rest of the world, that only gives out after it has given to its own people first,put the great back into Britain, show  the big three that we think they stink of corruption and despair,

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