
Why does the family values party put Gulliani on such a pedestal?

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They applauded this cheater so much last night. He is such a phoney. Does he represent the republican party or not?




  1. They were applauding his speech.  Does everyone at your office critique your work by what mistakes you've made in your personal life, Spirtual Coach?

  2. Well they are all guilty of the hypocrisy...they all scream family values and how they are so Christian.  Yet, they are bulldogs are with rabies.  They tear down other people, spread lies and rumors, cheat on spouses, and hide behind the "I'm Pro-Life - and you must be a baby killer" superiority.  How many of them are married to their younger wife number 2 or 3?  

    Let me tell you something.  I grew up going to Church- never had to be a "BORN AGAIN" Christian.  I actually went to all kinds of denominations, to check them out.  When I was 17, like Bristol, I was sexually active.  The only difference was, I was raised in a Pro-Choice household, and I knew about condoms, pregnancy, diseases, all that jazz, and I made sure to wrap it up.  So, all these "Good Christian Folks" with their Family Values- are actually just a bunch of fakes.

    They need to take another look at the Golden Rule.  

  3. Why hasn't Gulliani changed his name to "9/11'.  That way, he wouldn't have to mention it every time he speaks.

  4. They love him because he looks so fetching in the right frock and proper shoes!

  5. Rudy took his personal life public when he announced his divorce from his wife during a press conference, prior to telling his wife.....what a jerk.

  6. The same reason the democratic party puts Obama on a pedestal,

    When the democratic party is the party of g*y marriage

    And Obama is against g*y marriage.

  7. Seems as though a lot of people have a lot of things to learn about the Republican Party.  Not every single person in the Republican Party have the exact same views on every single issue.  And I'll just bet the same holds true with Democrats.  There are social conservatives and fiscal conservatives.  And believe it or not most Christian conservatives don't think they're perfect and without sin.  Conservatives believe in taking responsibility for one's own actions and not have the government step in and take care of them.

  8. Gulliani is a practicing lying racist bigot.

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