
Why does the government always let a convicted serial killer loose?

by Guest32646  |  earlier

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I have read so many cases of men who killed many many prostitutes, women, people, & only to be rereleased into society while other people of not so extreme crimes are sentenced for life terms.

It seems almost as if the goverment is letting these killers go for a purpose, as if they are experiments of studying the actions & minds of serial killers & what they will do, or as if they are purposely setting them free to control & kill out certain populations of society like prostitutes for example.

Really something fishy just seems going on with the law.




  1. They don't always. Look at Charlie Manson.

    The news likes to make it look that way though.

  2. Well, here's something else you'd love.  Two Border Patrol agents are in prison right now for shooting a drug runner.  Then WE paid to take care of him, and he was arrested for drug running after all that.  They shot him in the butt.  What a freakin wimp.  Bush won't pardon the agents.

  3. according to the Justice system they rather see hundreds of guilty men go free instead of see one innocent man go to prison. sadly innocent people still go to prison and hundreds of those guilty men still go free

  4. I don't know of any convicted serial killer set  free.

    There are sometimes killers set free after a jail term, usually cases where its a domestic thing,  or vehicular manslaughter, but never that I know of here with more than one victim.  

    Prostitution is one of those crimes that everyone loves to hate, and then uses, so no, I don't think they are trying to end prostitution by setting serial killers loose.

    In fact, serial killers are a rarity compared to your garden variety dumb, angry killer.  And they do get released, and they may kill again.  Prisons just make the angry angrier at society and strips them of whatever compassion they might ever have had so they are more dangerous than when they were first convicted.

  5. I read once several months ago  that only 1 % of american population is a criminal element  . they release the same prisoners to justify prisons and to keep americans scared , kinda like the wolf hanging around a herd of sheep .

    BTW this study was done by the FBI , ill have to see if i can locate that again .

  6. The government does not always let ...go free

    Liberal activist judges do...Some judges are elected other appointed  and because they have "legal discretion"; They can in many circumstances  impose their beliefs, or ideas as to what is a "proper" punishment for the particular crime..Some judges are so obsessed with their political or personal ideologies that they can and do release criminals or give low ball sentences

    These judges are corrupted by their own egotistical arrogance ; They may have sworn an oath to uphold the law(s) but work to promote/impose their own idea of how much what type of penalty should be given for what type of some rapists are "sick" and need treatment,others dont believe that some crimes should result in the death penality, or that drug selling is really all that harmful.

    ..What is fishy is that laws are manipulated by the lawyers/judges who are actually more interested in their fees or power or prestige  just like politicians....whatever they can do to retain their "benefits" trumps the "serve/protect the people/constitution / oaths /job descriptions etc.


  8. Corruption.

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