
Why does the government care more about taking control of other countries than taking care of its own?

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We have starving people here,and gangs killing eachother,kids and adults going on rampages,people loosing there homes in floods,twisters,earthquakes,fires.We won the war so why cant it be over? We obviously need our troops here. Its pretty bad when actors care more about our land and the people in it than the president who sends off troops to die by suicide bombers. God Bless the Troops




  1. It's simple. The President of the US doesn't care about the people of the US.. It's no deeper than that.. He only cares about things that involve padding his pocket or paying for his new jet ..The only ones he cares about are rich people and rich big corporations.. If you are poor, just lay down and die.. that wouldn't bother him. It's his fault that people are starving and homeless and jobless (and we won't even get into the problems immigration causes that's his fault) because of him.. You don't see him giving a care about that. why should he.. It doesn't directly affect him.  He doesn't care that kids in IRaq who can't legally buy beer are dying in a war we don't need to be in just so he can pad his pocket..  Kids in America will go to bed hungry tonight but that's ok as long as we send money and food to wherever it goes...

  2. too bad life is not as simple as your question. one day when you mature and understand the whole picture,it will all come into focus.....

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